October, 2015

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Beyond Badges: Why Personalized Learning Advocates Need to Care about Blockchain

Doug Levin

Tom Vander Ark of Getting Smart has argued that “ parent-managed learner profiles ” will by key to both enabling and scaling personalization in education. As Tom envisions, these profiles would include all of the elements of traditional school transcripts, supplemented with richer, more nuanced, and actionable information about student learning attainment, achievement, and needs.

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The (Native) App is Dead; Long Live the (Web) App

The Journal

On 28 October 2014, the W3C approved a standard version of HTML5, a programming language for the web. For K-12 at least, HTML5 is totally disruptive – in a GOOD way! Educational app developers can now write highly interactive apps that will run on virtually all end-user-oriented, computing devices, i.e., on all the crazy computers that kids bring into their BYOD classrooms.

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Top 10 Education Tweets of October

The CoolCatTeacher

Trends and Topics on Twitter October is a busy month for teachers. It is also a hard month. We’re all looking for inspiration. These resources are being shared by teachers on Twitter. But you don’t have to join Twitter to click the links and read the hot topics. The top sketchnote of the month is from Sylvia Duckworth. ( Sylvia is a repeat leader on this list.

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8 Websites to Teach Financial Literacy

Ask a Tech Teacher

When kids read that America’s $18 trillion+ debt is accepted by many experts as ‘business as usual’, I wonder how that news will affect their future personal finance decisions. Do they understand the consequences of unbalanced budgets? The quandary of infinite wants vs. finite dollars? Or do they think money grows on some fiscal tree that always blooms?

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Enhancing School Device Management for Improved Learning

Schools face increasing challenges as technology becomes integral to education. Efficient device management is essential for maximizing technology use and safeguarding investments. Our article discusses the importance of tracking devices, outlines current challenges, and suggests modern solutions that go beyond traditional methods like Excel. Learn how advanced tracking systems can streamline operations, improve maintenance, and offer real-time updates for better resource allocation.

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It's Never Too Late to Accelerate Your Ed-Tech Startup

Ed Tech from the Ground Up

eduCanon, which launched in 2013, hasn't been around for decades, but it has grown beyond most people's vision of an accelerator-stage startup. However, we recently found two accelerator programs invaluable. Click the headline to read the full post. Questions? Email websupport@epe.org.

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Voice Typing in Google Documents

Catlin Tucker

Last month, I was working on a Google Document and clicked “Tools.” I discovered a new option called “Voice typing.” Just as the name suggests, it allows the user to dictate instead of type. Simply, click on “Voice typing” and a microphone will appear on the left side of your Google Document. Click on the microphone icon and allow Google to access the microphone on your device.

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More Trending

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'Modeled Sustained Silent Reading' Is Spreading Like Wildfire Internationally

The Journal

Without question, children need to develop reading fluency. Commonsensically, having kids read lots and lots should help in developing such fluency. Well, the data from U.S. classrooms on methods such as “Sustained Silent Reading” and its cousin, “Drop Everything and Read” are equivocal, that’s not stopping the Taiwanese. In 3 short years, 10 percent of its 2,700 elementary schools have adopted the “Modeled Sustained Silent Reading” Program!

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How to Add Google Drive to Microsoft Word

The CoolCatTeacher

You can use Google AND Microsoft Together You can add Google Drive to Microsoft Office now. It can save you time, particularly if you’re saving files in Office formats inside Google Drive. I’ve tested the setup. Here’s a screencast to get started. Set up is quick, three steps in about two minutes. There are a few issues to know before you start using it, though.

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Tech Tip #119: What do I do when computers are down?

Ask a Tech Teacher

You know it will happen. One of the biggest reasons teachers don’t want to use technology is it isn’t reliable. For me, the solution isn’t to avoid technology, but to adapt when it fails me. Here are two articles on what to do when that eventuality occurs: What to do When Computers Are Down –This is a lot of suggestions on how to keep moving forward despite the failure of what was likely a cornerstone in your lesson plan.

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Six New Findings on Teacher Ed-Tech Usage

Ed Tech from the Ground Up

A new survey of 1,000 teachers found that educators are using more technology than some think, and that the driver is student learning. Click the headline to read the full post. Questions? Email websupport@epe.org.

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Quickly Create Personalized Learning Experiences that Work

How can we actively engage learners 24/7, on their level and according to their interests, while respecting their learning styles? It’s not impossible. In this guide: Explore how to transform traditional, one-way videos into two-way interactive learning experiences Understand different types of artificial intelligence (AI), including - Generative vs.

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Districts Deploy Multiple Tools to Ensure Security

EdTech Magazine

By Steve Zurier IT managers say protecting the network requires a best-of-breed approach, along with 24/7 monitoring.

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Theme Overview: The Effective Teacher: New Times, New Roles, New Expectations.

Battelle for Kids

The Essential Question: Who is the Effective Teacher in a 21st Century Classroom? As this year draws to a close, I have prepared this issue to present thoughts that would focus on what most matters when it comes to the development of 21st century deeper learners--what is it that the most effective teachers do, and say, to drive the learning of their students.

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Personalized Learning 3.0 — Creating Personalized 'Bicycles for the Mind'

The Journal

On the way to Personalized Learning 3.0, we may well need to “pass through” Personalized Learning 1.0. But we mustn’t tarry! Educational automation is not an interesting goal! The vision of a personalized “bicycle for the mind” for each and every child must drive us to "informate" – to create Personalized Learning 3.0 environments!!

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Improving Your Teaching Through Student Feedback

The CoolCatTeacher

Every Classroom Matters episode 183. How can we improve our lessons? When do we know what works and what doesn’t? In today’s show, Dean Shareski talks candidly about student feedback and the role of self-reflection in teaching. Improve the craft of teaching by incorporating his suggestions in your classroom routines. Become intentional and level up a little every day.

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Can Brain Science Actually Help Make Your Training & Teaching Stick?

Speaker: Andrew Cohen, Founder & CEO of Brainscape

The instructor’s PPT slides are brilliant. You’ve splurged on the expensive interactive courseware. Student engagement is stellar. So… why are half of your students still forgetting everything they learned in just a matter of weeks? It's likely a matter of cognitive science! With so much material to "teach" these days, we often forget to incorporate key proven principles into our curricula — namely active recall, metacognition, spaced repetition, and interleaving practice.

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Dear Otto: How do I Teach Keyboarding in My Limited Class Time?

Ask a Tech Teacher

Here’s Melanie’s question about teaching keyboarding effectively: My problem is that I only see each group of students (PK – 4th grade) once a week for 30min. I see 1st and 2nd grade two times a week. How do I successfully teach keyboarding AND my regular tech curriculum with next to no time to do both? I’ve thought about doing keyboarding for the first half of the year and then my curriculum the next half. but I’m just not sure.

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30 Prompts that Help Writers Practice a Month of Gratitude

Brilliant or Insane

Brilliant or Insane. Calendar journaling is a perennial favorite among the writers that I support, and November is the perfect time to introduce it. There are a number of ways to begin: writers may print and attach a calendar template for the month inside of their notebooks, they might keep track of their daily writing in Google Calendar, […].

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Vulnerability Assessments Reveal Security Weaknesses

EdTech Magazine

By Mike Chapple Learn about tools used for these exercises and the insights they can provide.

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Michael Bloomberg on testing

Dangerously Irrelevant

Here are some quotes from Michael Bloomberg about testing students , with my annotations in italics… “Many companies (including mine) use tests in hiring.” Really? The hiring ’tests’ for your financial software, data, and media company are multiple choice tests of factual recall and procedural regurgitation? “Students will face tests throughout their life.

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Reimagining Chickering & Gamson's Principles Post-Pandemic: Technology's Central Role in Modern Edu

This white paper examines and proposes revisions to the "Seven Principles for Good Practice in Undergraduate Education" introduced by Arthur Chickering and Zelda Gamson in 1987 for today's technology-driven world.

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DigiWriMo, meet the Make Bank

K12 Open Ed

I’m taking part in another open collaborative learning event in November: DigiWriMo. In talking about this with a group of folks last night , someone asked “ As a college student working on my elementary major, how could I use this writing piece in my future classroom?” and I immediately thought of the Make Bank. (For those who aren’t familiar, the Make Bank was a tool we set up as a part of CLMOOC to archive a variety of “makes” or activities, as well as to p

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How to Get Kids Excited About Science: Carmelo the Science Fellow

The CoolCatTeacher

Every Classroom Matters episode 182. How do you fill your students with wonder? How do you help kids love animals? How do you engage students in science? Carmelo the Science Fellow (who is also a principal) shares his fun-tastic ideas for science and getting kids excited in this episode. Important Takeaways. The unbelievable thing he puts IN his walls.

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Quick List of Classroom Blogging Resources

The Web20Classroom

I originally wrote this in 2013. Since then a few resources have changed and I've come across some different ones. Enjoy! Blogging is an important part of who I am as a professional. I can use this space to share resources with you, reflect on my own practice and try to figure out how to be a better educator. It is my public reflection on technology, leadership and learning.

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Viral classroom: 10 ways to harness viral video power in class

Ditch That Textbook

Admit it: You watched Charlie bite his brother’s finger. Or you watched the double rainbow guy. Or maybe you’ve watched Peyton Manning talk about giving a girl a second-hand handbag in one of the NFL Bad Lip Reading videos. If it wasn’t one of those, you’ve probably succumbed to one of our guilty pleasures since [.].

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Behind the Bell: The Underlying Impact of Tardiness in K-12 Schools

Managing a K-12 campus with constant pressure to meet performance metrics is challenging. And tardiness can significantly limit a school from reaching these goals. Learn more about why chronic lateness matters, and key strategies to address the following impacts: Data errors caused by manual processes Low attendance and graduation rates that affect a school’s reputation Classroom disruption, which leads to poor academic performance High staff attrition and “The Teacher Exodus” Unmet LCAP goals t

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Moving students to the cockpit for learning

Battelle for Kids

Volume 2, Issue 11, Number 13. This blog post first appeared on Learning.com's blog. The traditional education experience for students has been a bit like flying on an airplane. Students are being educated in the same way, all treated as economy passengers on a plane. Just as all passengers are treated the same, so are students being educated in the same way.

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Using Zaption or EDpuzzle: Teaching Students HOW to Watch Videos

Class Tech Integrate

I came across an article published by Gaggle titled The Biggest Mistakes Teachers Make When Flipping Their Classrooms by Jackie Myers. A quick read that is well worth your time. It points out a few mistakes teachers make when they begin to flip their classroom. One of which really stood out to me. "Not teaching students HOW to watch videos." For decades we have been using technology within the school to show educational videos to our students.

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How to Plan a Lesson in 5 Minutes (Includes Template)


One of the things that students can quickly pick up on in a lesson is whether the teacher has prepared their material or is winging it, which makes planning a lesson a prerequisite for teachers. As any jazz aficionado will tell you, improvisation can be a positive thing. With that said, good planning is still central to classroom success. After all, effective lessons must have a context, clear objectives, key points, and a defined set of actions to take.

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Brainstorming: The 7 Dwarves’ Secret

The CoolCatTeacher

Design Thinking and Productivity that Matters Walt Disney had 50 names for the seven dwarves. Why do so many of us think we need just one or two tries to have great ideas?Walt Disney understood that to become great, you ideate. Brainstorming was one key of his genius. Among such odd names as “Graveful” and “Awful” and “Biggo-Eggo” – we find “Grumpy,” “Happy,” and “Bashful.

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The Battle of the Authoring Tools: A 10-Point Comparison for Picking the Right One

Speaker: Chris Paxton McMillin, President of D3 Training Solutions

There are plenty of great authoring tools for developing eLearning, but the one you select could directly impact your course's outcomes. Depending upon your learners’ needs and your organization’s performance goals, you could be overlooking considerations that impact the both effectiveness of your courses and how long it takes to finish them. From general capabilities to specific workflow structures, some aspects are critical when it comes to learning objectives and deadlines.

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Creating illustrations and infographics for ELT tasks

Nik Peachey

Draw.io is one of my favourite tools and the one I use most for creating graphics and infographics. As someone who doesn’t draw very well and has only limited design abilities it has really helped me out a number of times and enabled me to produce professional looking illustrations, product mockups and teaching materials. How it works When you go to the Draw.io site you can either open an existing diagram or create a new one.

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We’re not 1:1 — 6 ways to get classroom devices

Ditch That Textbook

Whole-school 1:1 device programs — where every student has a device, often the same one — seem to be added in droves every new school year. More and more schools put devices in every student’s hands (and sometimes, TWO devices in every student’s hands, called a 2:1 initiative). Many students still lack access, often due [.].

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Part II: Student Agency Goal Setting: A Pathway To Personalized Agency

Battelle for Kids

Volume 2, Issue 11, Number 11. Driving Question: How Can I Count the Ways for Student Goal Setting Every Day? Authentic agency is about students developing the power, skills and mindsets to govern how and what they learn. It is also about where they can apply this personal power to advance their place in an increasingly depersonalizing technological society where too much information is the norm for each of us.

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A Philosophy Of Education: Energy, Inspiration, And Understanding


Source: ASIDE 2015 This week we were asked to share our philosophies of education. It was a worthy question and a worthwhile endeavor. Even though like most teachers we’ve gone through many versions of these philosophies over the years, it was thought-provoking to reframe our tenets as both learning and we have evolved. We thought we might publish our current thoughts, to see what other educators think and to invite feedback about other philosophies of teaching in today’s learning climate: ~ If

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The Roses and Thorns of an LMS Strategy: How to Flourish with the Right LMS

Speaker: Amanda Davis, Chief Experience Officer and Liam O'Malley, VP of Association Solutions

The "new normal" is now a little less new, a little more normal. Does that mean your current LMS strategy is in need of a refresh? Is your organization or association leaning into the always-evolving eLearning environment to ensure you have the tools and content to remain relevant through all this change? There are many complex decision-making processes within your learning & development strategy and LMS lifecycle management, including: Selection.