A Principal's Reflections

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Maximizing Time with Data and Evidence-Enhanced Rotations at All Grade Levels

A Principal's Reflections

One of the most significant challenges educators face is time. While the focus is typically on getting more of it, the emphasis should be maximizing what is already available. When it comes to student learning and success, how time is used when students are in class is pivotal. While sound instruction will always be needed in some form, meeting the needs of learners relies on other pedagogical pathways that veer away from all students consistently doing the same thing, at the same time, the same

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Beyond the Comfort Zone: Why Calculated Risks are the Key to Unlocking Student Potential

A Principal's Reflections

Taking a leap of faith can be daunting, but it is often needed to grow. Stagnation is the enemy of progress. In education, sticking solely to what's comfortable hinders growth. Calculated risk-taking becomes crucial for improving practice. Sticking to the familiar routine feels safe, even if it means being perpetually stuck in neutral. Self-doubt creeps in, making us question our capabilities to navigate the unknown.


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Small Steps, Big Shifts: How Consistency and Continuity Unlock Lasting Change

A Principal's Reflections

We all have that nagging voice, whispering about what we "should" be doing. Maybe it's a call to eat healthier, exercise more, or finally tackle that neglected hobby. But how often does that voice translate into sustained action? The truth is that achieving lasting change is rarely about grand gestures or dramatic overhauls. It's about the power of consistency and continuity – small, steady shifts that build momentum and pave the way for a transformed you.

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Personalize: Meeting the Needs of ALL Learners

A Principal's Reflections

Fate has a funny way of bringing together people with similar views and passions. In March of 2022, I worked with a school system in Provo, Utah. During a roundtable discussion, I was asked to discuss key aspects of personalized learning that are critical to successful implementation. There were a lot of people in the room who listened to what I had to say and seemed to be hanging on every word.

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Unpacking the Backpack

A Principal's Reflections

The social media landscape has changed quite dramatically when I first arrived in the space back in 2009. To put things in perspective, Instagram and TikTok were years away from existing, and Facebook was the dominant tool of choice. At that time, Twitter was emerging as the preferred space for educators to connect, and blogs were the go-to source for relevant ideas and strategies.

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Quantifying Innovative Practices

A Principal's Reflections

Lately, I've been giving a lot of thought to effectiveness, and this has been mirrored in my writing and work as a coach. Reflecting on my time as a principal at my previous school, I recall the successful shift towards digitalization and incorporating innovative practices. Our main goal was to demonstrate tangible improvements rather than just discuss them.

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The Fallacy of Best Practices

A Principal's Reflections

In an education world obsessed with standardization, the pursuit of "best practices" reigns supreme. Countless systems and schools rely on pre-defined, one-size-fits-all approaches, promising guaranteed success. However, this rigid adherence to a single ideal can stifle innovation and hinder progress. We must shift our focus to effectiveness – achieving desired results in a way that adapts to unique situations.

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