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Three Reasons the Flipped Classroom is Here to Stay

Ed Tech from the Ground Up

'According to new research, the number of teachers flipping lessons is growing significantly. It''s not just for the most adventurous educators anymore. Click the headline to read the full post. Questions? Email websupport@epe.org.

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Transform Your Classroom into a Makerspace

Catlin Tucker

'As finals approached this year, I had a desire to do something different. In the past I’ve had students write a timed five-paragraph argument essay about whether Montag, from Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451, is a conformist or nonconformist. My students had already written four essays this year, so I decided to ditch the essay. Instead, I had them select a metaphor from the novel and asked them to bring it to life creating a 3D visual metaphor.

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Spice Up That Lecture! 20+ Ideas & Resources

Teacher Reboot Camp

'Included in the Digital Ideas Advent Calendar with a new idea each day! Undergraduate students taught by lectures are 1.5 times more likely to fail than those involved in active learning. – Bajak, A. (2014). In my new book, The 30 Goals Challenge for Teachers , I talk about how even the best lectures aren’t fair for the majority of students in our classes.

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The End is Only the Beginning

A Principal's Reflections

'This is one of those difficult posts where I honestly am having trouble articulating my thoughts. It is bittersweet, as the time has come for me to make a decision on my future. Today is the day that I formally announce my decision to step down as New Milford High School Principal, a decision that has been most difficult to make. My last day will be September 3.

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Enhancing School Device Management for Improved Learning

Schools face increasing challenges as technology becomes integral to education. Efficient device management is essential for maximizing technology use and safeguarding investments. Our article discusses the importance of tracking devices, outlines current challenges, and suggests modern solutions that go beyond traditional methods like Excel. Learn how advanced tracking systems can streamline operations, improve maintenance, and offer real-time updates for better resource allocation.

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Universal Skills All Learners Should Know How to Do

User Generated Education

'This morning I was thinking about the things that all young people should know how to do regardless of income, geographical location, life goals, etc. I started a list – see below. Some have “always” been true – some are unique to this century of learning. Let me know of any other universal skills you believe young people should know how to do.

How To 331
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Encouraging Authenticity In Learning

The Web20Classroom

'In the last several years, a major shift in instruction began to happen. Instead of students having access to handheld technology (tablet, laptop, etc) only part of the school day, more and more students began to have access when they need it. Either 1:1 or BYOD or some combination of both is giving students the opportunity to discover learning or create new information in a variety of ways.

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One Last Day

Tom Murray

'Fourteen years ago I closed the door to a classroom that I could call my own for the first time. I was 21 years old, fresh out of college, and thought I had a clue as to what teaching would be like. Looking at 24 little ones staring back at me, I was nervous and in retrospect, pretty clueless. I remember that feeling like it was yesterday. My first year teaching was one of the most difficult years of my life, but a year that changed my course and provided me with incredible clarity.

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To the Citizens of BC

Pair-a-dimes for Your Thoughts

'To the Citizens of British Columbia, Canada, How important is a good, free, public education system to you and to our society? How much should a collective ‘WE’ spend on creating the best possible public education for ALL of our children? Here are some graphs from Statistics Canada: Summary Elementary and Secondary School Indicators for Canada, the Provinces and Territories, 2006/2007 to 2010/2011. ( Catalogue-no-81-595-M-No-099-Statistics-Canada ).

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Ten Engaging Digital Education Sites For Any Social Studies Classroom

21st Century Educational Technology and Learning

'I took some time to look over my past posts and decided I needed to provide Social Studies Teachers with some great resources for their classroom. Rather than get into any one specific Social Studies area, I thought best to find some resources that might work in just about any Social Studies Classroom. First, to ensure you do not miss a valuable post or other resources covering PBL, Digital Curriculum, Web 2.0, STEM, 21st century learning, and technology integration, please sign up for 21centur

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Edmodo Quizzes: Tips & Tricks

Baker's B.Y.O.D.

'Edmodo''s quiz feature is a versatile tool that saves teachers time. Whether used for quick informational checks or unit tests, the quiz feature enables teachers to assign formative and summative assessments with ease. I use Edmodo Quizzes for assessing students'' knowledge acquisition, practicing PARCC related digital literacy skills, and demonstrating students'' application of knowledge learned through out the marking period.

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Quickly Create Personalized Learning Experiences that Work

How can we actively engage learners 24/7, on their level and according to their interests, while respecting their learning styles? It’s not impossible. In this guide: Explore how to transform traditional, one-way videos into two-way interactive learning experiences Understand different types of artificial intelligence (AI), including - Generative vs.

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The Myth and Reality of 'Disruptive Students'

Ed Tech from the Ground Up

'Some of the same students who were chronically disruptive in one classroom, were attentive and engaged in another. The difference was the teacher and the teaching style employed. Click the headline to read the full post. Questions? Email websupport@epe.org.

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5 Tips To Keep Students Learning When Extreme Weather Strikes

Catlin Tucker

'Yesterday Northern California was hit by massive storm. My school was closed because of weather for the first time in my teaching career. I know this is a fairly regular occurrence in colder climates; however, it’s a new situation for many of us in more temperate climates unused to extreme weather patterns. When I received notification that our school was closing three days before final exams, I was dismayed.

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This Year be an EduHero!

Teacher Reboot Camp

'A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself. – Joseph Campbell, The Hero with a Thousand Faces. Our world is full of hero potential waiting to be motivated, supported, and skilled. Teachers hold the key to unleashing that potential, yet many are wounded heroes themselves. According to Teachers Count, the average teacher impacts 3000 students within a lifetime.

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Students Yearn For Creativity, Not Tests

A Principal's Reflections

'The other day as I was sitting in my office, sophomore Sarah Almeda popped into my office, as she usually does. After day three of PARCC field-testing I was catching up on some dreaded paperwork, one of the least favorite aspects of my job. Sarah, bubbly as ever, asked if she could email me her presentation as part of the Academies at New Milford High School.

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Can Brain Science Actually Help Make Your Training & Teaching Stick?

Speaker: Andrew Cohen, Founder & CEO of Brainscape

The instructor’s PPT slides are brilliant. You’ve splurged on the expensive interactive courseware. Student engagement is stellar. So… why are half of your students still forgetting everything they learned in just a matter of weeks? It's likely a matter of cognitive science! With so much material to "teach" these days, we often forget to incorporate key proven principles into our curricula — namely active recall, metacognition, spaced repetition, and interleaving practice.

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Bored? Explore it!

The Innovative Educator

'Guest post by Michelle Loucas No one enjoys boredom. It is an uncomfortable state, leaving one to cast about for relief. If you Google "boredom" and "school," you will find numerous entries about the boredom "epidemic" in our schools and oodles of "boredom-busting strategies" to eradicate this outbreak. The essence of these cures is to "surround them with wonder"-- make schooling more entertaining so that kids will stop fidgeting and absorb wha

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Connecting Students To The World

The Web20Classroom

'I can remember it like it was yesterday. I was in sixth grade and sitting at a desk in my language arts classroom. We had been doing an integrated unit in all our classes about cultures around the world. We’d been looking at all sorts of places that, at the time, seemed exotic to me. I had “traveled” all over the world through the books, articles and stories we read.

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Google announces Google Educator Groups - great resource for educators

Educational Technology Guy

'Yesterday Google announced the launch of Google Educators Groups. This is a program made up of communities of educators who can connect with each other to learn, share, and help each other. While it is mainly online, there are real-world meetups and events as well. This is a great resource for educators. See below for more information and to sign up for a group or even create your own (I signed up for the NYC one as there isn''t one in Connecticut, YET).

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This One's for You, Grandpa!

Tom Murray

'I can remember bouncing on your lap when I was about three. I remember the silly gifts you’d give, your incredible sense of humor, your amazing model of how to be a father and grandfather, and how to this day, I consider you the most brilliant man I’ve ever known. I remember your hugs and kisses; your tickles every time we were together. I remember your “I love you, Tommy.

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Reimagining Chickering & Gamson's Principles Post-Pandemic: Technology's Central Role in Modern Edu

This white paper examines and proposes revisions to the "Seven Principles for Good Practice in Undergraduate Education" introduced by Arthur Chickering and Zelda Gamson in 1987 for today's technology-driven world.

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Pair-a-dimes for Your Thoughts

'What does it mean to be ‘Locked Out’ and to be paid 10% less? “Effective May 26, 2014, and continuing until further notice, your members will be locked out as described in this letter,” Michael Marchbank, public administrator for the B.C. Public School Employers’ Association, said in a letter to teachers’ federation president Jim Iker. …BCPSEA, the bargaining agent for the province’s 60 school boards, also said it would dock teachers’ pay by 5 per cent as of Monday over

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A Special Letter From Santa… 10 Reasons Why Teachers Must Be Magic!

21st Century Educational Technology and Learning

'Welcome to a very magical entry… one that has been a traditional post each holiday season. It is a time of year that I wish to express my gratitude to those wonderful educators that have welcomed me at their schools and conferences and join me at this blog through out the year. I would like to share with all of you a very special letter I found under my Christmas Tree several Christmas Eves ago.

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10 Ways to Show Your iPad on a Projector Screen

Learning in Hand

'Projecting your iPad on a large screen is great for demonstrations, simulations, explanations, and showing examples. There are several ways this can be done in the classroom. If you don''t mind keeping your iPad in one spot, then a VGA adapter ( for 30-pin Dock connector or for the new Lightning connector ). Apple has made four types of adapters – determine which one you need.

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Give Entrepreneurs (and Teachers) a Break!

Ed Tech from the Ground Up

'You can''t work all the time. Unless, you''re an entrepreneur (or a teacher), of course, in which case, you are expected to work all the time. But is that sustainable? Click the headline to read the full post. Questions? Email websupport@epe.org.

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Behind the Bell: The Underlying Impact of Tardiness in K-12 Schools

Managing a K-12 campus with constant pressure to meet performance metrics is challenging. And tardiness can significantly limit a school from reaching these goals. Learn more about why chronic lateness matters, and key strategies to address the following impacts: Data errors caused by manual processes Low attendance and graduation rates that affect a school’s reputation Classroom disruption, which leads to poor academic performance High staff attrition and “The Teacher Exodus” Unmet LCAP goals t

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A Plan to Destroy Public Education in NC with Five Easy Steps

The 21st Century Principal

'If I wanted to design an education budget that gives the “appearance” of supporting teachers and educators, what would that budget look like? What if my long term goals are to get the state out of the education business and turn that entire enterprise over to the private sector? How can I continue to “starve” public education to achieve this goal? Here’s what I might do.

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Pump Students Up with Digital Icebreakers

Teacher Reboot Camp

'“You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation.” by Plato. Included in the Digital Ideas Advent Calendar with a new idea each day! Throughout my teaching years, I’ve struggled with getting my students or trainees to readily participate. Learners are shy about exposing themselves to peers, especially if they do not know them well.

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Sustaining Outdated Practices Will Not Transform Schools

A Principal's Reflections

'When one looks at education in general there is very little change from over 150 years ago. Back then the education system was designed to serve an industrialized world that was in desperate need of skilled factory workers. What resulted was the quick development of a system to educate as many students as possible in a fashion that was cheap and easy.

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1112 Great GOOGLE CLASSROOM Tutorials by Early Access Testers

mauilibrarian2 in Olinda

'FINALLY got my invitation to Google Classroom today. Thank you, Google! I''ll be checking out these tutorials for guidance and inspiration: 1. Google Classroom - Teacher and Student View video by +Roger Nixon , June 15 2. The Electric Educator - Setting Up your Google Classroom , June 25 including a Google slide show 3. Preview of Classroom for Google Apps for Education from +Google Gooru , June 27 4.

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The Battle of the Authoring Tools: A 10-Point Comparison for Picking the Right One

Speaker: Chris Paxton McMillin, President of D3 Training Solutions

There are plenty of great authoring tools for developing eLearning, but the one you select could directly impact your course's outcomes. Depending upon your learners’ needs and your organization’s performance goals, you could be overlooking considerations that impact the both effectiveness of your courses and how long it takes to finish them. From general capabilities to specific workflow structures, some aspects are critical when it comes to learning objectives and deadlines.

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Learning Beyond The Classroom Walls

The Web20Classroom

'When I decided to pursue a Master’s Degree in Instructional Technology, I started out like many students do. I sat down at my laptop, went to Google and started searching. Eventually I landed on a program at an in-state university that was one of the first of its kind. Everything was virtual. Not once in the 18 months I was in the program would I set foot on campus.

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Wolfram releases Problem Generator to create practice problems

Educational Technology Guy

'Wolfram, creators of Wolfram|Alpha , have launched Wolfram Problem Generator. This tool allows students and teachers to create unlimited, random practice problems and answers in subjects such as elementary math, algebra, statistics and even college calculus. It provides hints and step-by-step solutions when needed to help the student learn. It can also create printable worksheets and answer sheets for offline work.

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For My Prince and Princess on Father's Day

Tom Murray

'In two days, my little boy will be one. In a blink of an eye, he’s gone from a sweet newborn baby, to a crazy babbling toddler on the verge of taking steps of his own. My princess, now four, talks about her wedding day, what she wants to be when she grows up, and her favorite app of the day. I’m not quite sure where time went, but in a few blinks, life has moved on.

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Embracing Change

Pair-a-dimes for Your Thoughts

'{Full image below}. [Update: See more on the topic of Embracing Change. in my May 19/2014 post on Leading Change.]. I’m working on my Spotlight Presentation for Connect 2014: Canada’s Learning and Technology Conference. Here is my presentation description: Shifting Education – Embracing the Transformation. A quick 3-part journey into my ‘Shifting’ series of blog posts that looks at embracing educational change, envisioning a bold new educational frontier, and leadi

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The Roses and Thorns of an LMS Strategy: How to Flourish with the Right LMS

Speaker: Amanda Davis, Chief Experience Officer and Liam O'Malley, VP of Association Solutions

The "new normal" is now a little less new, a little more normal. Does that mean your current LMS strategy is in need of a refresh? Is your organization or association leaning into the always-evolving eLearning environment to ensure you have the tools and content to remain relevant through all this change? There are many complex decision-making processes within your learning & development strategy and LMS lifecycle management, including: Selection.