Tue.Jul 05, 2016

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Mobile Learning: No Longer About the Technology, but About the Learning

The Journal

A transition, quietly but most assuredly, has occurred: Today, in 2016, discussions under the heading "mobile learning" are becoming more about how "all-the-time, everywhere learning" can be supported with "mobile" technology than about mobile devices and apps. That transition has huge pedagogical implications!

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Do Students Learn Better in Chairs or Couches?

The CoolCatTeacher

Meet Oskar Cymerman, the science teacher on a quest to Starbucks his classroom From the Cool Cat Teacher Blog by Vicki Davis Follow @coolcatteacher on Twitter. Design your classroom to be intentional and inviting. Today’s guest, Oscar Cymerman, has decided to “Starbucks” his classroom. Oskar says, “Rows are for compliance but Starbucks is for collaboration.” Now, he’s reorganizing his science lecture area with Starbucks in mind.


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Leading Teachers Toward the Digital Future, Together

EdTech Magazine

By David Hutchins Study points to need for training teachers more effectively about how technology can improve teaching and learning.

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ISTE 2016: when ed-tech met passion


If you ask any European about their opinion on the USA, I bet a lot of answers will include the word big , or any synonym of it: wide roads, big cars, tall buildings, grande coffee cups, jumbo-size food portions, big smiles, big… everything. Just like anything related to the US, the last week’s conference organized by the International Society for Technology in Education rose to the expectations: ISTE 2016 was big!

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Enhancing School Device Management for Improved Learning

Schools face increasing challenges as technology becomes integral to education. Efficient device management is essential for maximizing technology use and safeguarding investments. Our article discusses the importance of tracking devices, outlines current challenges, and suggests modern solutions that go beyond traditional methods like Excel. Learn how advanced tracking systems can streamline operations, improve maintenance, and offer real-time updates for better resource allocation.

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5 Easy Steps for Setting Up Google Portfolios

EdTech Magazine

By Christine Jones Digital portfolios are a cinch to create using templates from Google Sites.

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Subscriber Special: July

Ask a Tech Teacher

Every month, subscribers to Ask a Tech Teacher get a free/discounted resource to help their tech teaching. July 6th-June 15th (ten days only): K-8 Technology Curriculum UPDATED 6th Edition. get 10% off with coupon code TECHCURRICULUM6THED. get 25% off if you’re upgrading from the 4th or 5th edition (contact zeke dot rowe at structuredlearn.net for coupon code).

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Schoolsask: an excellent way for teachers to share knowledge and ideas.


Schoolsask is a user-friendly website and app that helps educators and other professionals share, connect, interact, and support each other. It offers educators the much needed opportunity to easily interact with other members of the educational community. From new teachers to experienced professionals, Schoolsask will provide educators with the optimum environment to access support, ask questions, obtain and exchange valuable insights, and more.

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Organizations Need to Balance Value and Security When Adopting New Mobile Devices

EdTech Magazine

By John Breeden II As new products hit the market, enterprises must decide whether to introduce the device or wait.

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The Kids Can’t Read, But They Can Read You

The Jose Vilson

When I was seven years old, a frio-frio man used to park his cart in front of our elementary school in the spring and sell his Italian ices for 50¢ for 2 scoops. Whenever my mom had enough change, she’d give me two quarters and I’d treat myself to the street delicacy. At the time, a counselor from our now-defunct after-school program picked me and my friends up from school.

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Google Classroom: Do Not Jump In The Deep End

Teacher Tech

Link to slides Google Classroom: Do Not Jump In The Deep End Making the shift to digital is NOT about doing what you’ve always done in a digital format. Digital allows us to rethink our tasks. “When students can access information, I can talk less.” How the class functions should be different when students have […]. The post Google Classroom: Do Not Jump In The Deep End appeared first on Teacher Tech.

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Quickly Create Personalized Learning Experiences that Work

How can we actively engage learners 24/7, on their level and according to their interests, while respecting their learning styles? It’s not impossible. In this guide: Explore how to transform traditional, one-way videos into two-way interactive learning experiences Understand different types of artificial intelligence (AI), including - Generative vs.

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Part 1: STEM, STEAM, Makers: Connecting Project Based Learning (PBL)

21st Century Educational Technology and Learning

Welcome to a series that brings STEM, STEAM, and Maker Space together with Project Based Learning and proper technology integration in the classroom. You will discover around one hundred resources in this series along with some great ideas for finding student success. Before reading, please take a moment to subscribe by email or RSS and also give me a follow on Twitter at mjgormans.

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Marvel's Black Panther Makes STEAM Relevant to Under Represented Youth; Plus, VR's Century-Old Roots


I've never been much of a comic book reader. But I could not help but feel excited about the news of Marvel’s 11-issue revival of the Black Panther series , written by MacArthur Genius and National Book Award winner Ta-Nehisi Coates. The third issue was released last week, and a film is due out in 2017, directed by the award-winning Ryan Coogler. Debuting in 1966, Black Panther was the first black superhero in mainstream comic books; virtually no black heroes were created before him, and none w

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Tech & Learning Announces Best of Show Winners


For the third year, Tech & Learning is presenting its prestigious awards program that honors great products at ISTE 2016. The products below were selected by an anonymous panel of educator judges, w.

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5 keys to encouraging teacher innovation

eSchool News

Ed-tech leader Jennie Magiera shares strategies to help foster risk-taking in schools. Change is hard. How can you get reluctant teachers to embrace change and try new innovations in teaching with technology? At ISTE 2016 , popular ed-tech speaker Jennie Magiera shared several strategies for doing just that—turning those “yes, but…” objections into “what if…” adventures.

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Can Brain Science Actually Help Make Your Training & Teaching Stick?

Speaker: Andrew Cohen, Founder & CEO of Brainscape

The instructor’s PPT slides are brilliant. You’ve splurged on the expensive interactive courseware. Student engagement is stellar. So… why are half of your students still forgetting everything they learned in just a matter of weeks? It's likely a matter of cognitive science! With so much material to "teach" these days, we often forget to incorporate key proven principles into our curricula — namely active recall, metacognition, spaced repetition, and interleaving practice.

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Tons of Great Educational Worksheets for Teachers

Educational Technology and Mobile Learning

July 5, 2016 Looking for some good educational worksheets to use in your teaching? Education.com has a section dedicated entirely to printable worksheets ready to use in your class. Each category of.read more.

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Unlike gated communities that front as niche schools, this New Orleans art high school is a true magnet

The Hechinger Report

In the national pursuit to create better high schools, we seldom turn to art schools for inspiration. But innovation can be found in our conservatories. That’s what I found when I spent a semester at an art school. Join the conversation later on Andre Perry’s radio show, “Free College,” hosted Tuesdays on WBOK1230 in New Orleans at 3pm Central/4pm Eastern 504.260.9265.

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Race, Voice and Non-Diverse Spaces


It bothers me when a private conversation with many fellow POC in edtech veers to this end of the conversational spectrum… Person A, “Look at this list, #Presenterssowhite” Person B, “I can’t with them right now.” Person C, “They didn’t even bother trying.” Person D, “Well, you know…we still have to prove ourselves.” Person A, “Well, you know we have to work twice as hard” Last week, I was at the “super div

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The Edtech Industry Has 'Created a Mess'—Q&A with Mike Dorsey and Alan November


Alan November is a big-name educational consultant who was once a champion of technology in the classroom. But after EdSurge talked to him at ISTE, it seems that his message has slightly changed: technology isn’t having the impact we hoped for in schools. Expectations were high for edtech. People said it would solve every problem in education, and some venture capitalists agreed.

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Reimagining Chickering & Gamson's Principles Post-Pandemic: Technology's Central Role in Modern Edu

This white paper examines and proposes revisions to the "Seven Principles for Good Practice in Undergraduate Education" introduced by Arthur Chickering and Zelda Gamson in 1987 for today's technology-driven world.

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3 Reasons Why GAFE’s Safety Features Aren’t Enough to Protect Students

Gaggle Speaks

When it comes to keeping students safe, Google Apps for Education (GAFE) has a couple of features that technology departments have at their disposal. In addition to providing the ability to restrict student email communications to users within the school or district, Google allows administrators to flag keywords so they can monitor students’ email messages based on word use.

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Some Helpful Activities and Resources to Teach Web Literacy to Students

Educational Technology and Mobile Learning

July 3, 2016 Few weeks ago we shared Mozilla Learning’s Web Literacy Wheel featuring a number of key skills and competencies for 21st century students. Today we are adding another great.read more.

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7 Fun and Creative Apps and Websites That Teach Kids to Code


These iOS and Web Apps are Visually Oriented and Kid-Friendly and Help to Build Critical Logic and Problem Solving Skills Computer coding is becoming an increasingly popular activity for. [Please click on the post title to continue reading the full post. Thanks (and thanks for subscribing)!].

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Two Great Tools for the Timezone-Challenged from World Time Buddy


Others on Prof Hacker have written on how to easily schedule meetings across timezones , including use of Google calendar for scheduling. but for someone like me who is constantly scheduling things with people on different timezones and also wanting to share livestreams with others, there are two tools I rely on pretty heavily. 1. World Time Buddy mobile app.

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Behind the Bell: The Underlying Impact of Tardiness in K-12 Schools

Managing a K-12 campus with constant pressure to meet performance metrics is challenging. And tardiness can significantly limit a school from reaching these goals. Learn more about why chronic lateness matters, and key strategies to address the following impacts: Data errors caused by manual processes Low attendance and graduation rates that affect a school’s reputation Classroom disruption, which leads to poor academic performance High staff attrition and “The Teacher Exodus” Unmet LCAP goals t

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Teachers in High-Poverty Schools Less Confident in Ed-Tech Skills, Survey Finds

Marketplace K-12

Cross-posted from the Digital Education blog. Teachers who are most confident about educational technology tend to work in low-poverty and suburban schools, bringing their students a wide range of experiences and potential benefits that other young people may lack, concludes a survey released today by the Education Week Research Center. For example: These teachers are far more likely than their less-confident counterparts to report daily use of digital curricula, learning management systems, and

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Students take Google virtual reality for a spin

eSchool News

Google Expeditions program connects students with virtual reality experiences. Valeria Tinajero, a second grader at Lines Elementary School in Barrington, Ill., couldn’t contain her excitement as she looked into a handheld, virtual reality device. “I see fishes!” Tinajero said before peering again into the virtual reality viewer and seeing a clear image of a whale swimming underwater. “Whoa, cool!

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I See Brilliant People – #ISTE2016 #iplza16

Kyle Pace

During the last two weeks, I had the privilege of traveling to Austin, Texas for iPadpalooza and then to Denver, Colorado for ISTE. I’ve been trying to put together a post that gives due justice to both learning experiences and more importantly the people I had the honor of being with. I think I’ve been over thinking it though. First, let me give props to Carl Hooker.

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Connecting iGeneration to the Natural World


Kevin Barisonek Environmental Education Ignite student passion for the natural world with fieldwork apps, turning your kids into citizen scientists who observe, hypothesize, identify, and share information about nature.

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Enhancing HyFlex Education through the PowerTeaching Framework

This whitepaper explores integrating the PowerTeaching pedagogical approach within a HyFlex (Hybrid Flexible) educational model, focusing on employing cooperative learning strategies and efficient classroom management techniques.

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K-12 Dealmaking: Workday Acquires Zaption; Dreamit Partners With Blackboard

Marketplace K-12

In the latest dealmaking news, Workday acquired online learning platform Zaption, while Blackboard teamed with Dreamit to support ed-tech startups. Workday Acquires Zaption: Workday , a provider of enterprise cloud management applications for human resources and finance, has acquired online learning platform Zaption. Terms of the deal were not disclosed; however, the Zaption platform will shut down on September 30, 2016, according to a June 30 blog on the Zaption website.

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Campaign Advertising: The Image Is Everything


If there is one thing that will influence voters more than anything else during Campaign 2016, it is the image. More than ever, what the voters see, not what they hear, has become paramount in getting elected. Frank Baker shares ad techniques students need to know.

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6 Tips For Getting Started With Google Classroom

TeachThought - Learn better.

The post 6 Tips For Getting Started With Google Classroom appeared first on TeachThought.

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College admissions favor the rich. Let’s turn it around before taxpayer-funded tuition relief becomes another handout for the wealthy

The Hechinger Report

As we prepare the U.S. for global competition, we find ourselves stuck with a myopic and outmoded approach in college admissions — one in which family income has gradually insinuated itself as the most important criterion. If richer students continue to dominate our college admissions, then taxpayer supported tuition relief will, by and large, become another handout for the wealthy.

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The Battle of the Authoring Tools: A 10-Point Comparison for Picking the Right One

Speaker: Chris Paxton McMillin, President of D3 Training Solutions

There are plenty of great authoring tools for developing eLearning, but the one you select could directly impact your course's outcomes. Depending upon your learners’ needs and your organization’s performance goals, you could be overlooking considerations that impact the both effectiveness of your courses and how long it takes to finish them. From general capabilities to specific workflow structures, some aspects are critical when it comes to learning objectives and deadlines.