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World Environment Day: Living Responsibly with Nature

Ask a Tech Teacher

World Environment Day , celebrated annually on June 5th, is designed for encouraging awareness and action for the protection of our environment. Established in 1972 by the United Nations General Assembly and first held in 1974, it has grown with participation from over 143 countries. Significance World Environment Day serves as a reminder of our collective responsibility to protect and preserve the environment.

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3 Myths About Identity and Access Management

EdTech Magazine

As the threat landscape continues to evolve, so does security. But amid all of the change is a constant: the importance of identity and access management. IAM is a cornerstone of cyber resilience and security preparedness. But the longer it’s around, the more misconceptions about it arise. We investigated some of the biggest myths about IAM so that users can separate fact from fiction.


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How a Wi-Fi Upgrade in K–12 Helps Build Technology Skills for Life

EdTech Magazine

As Sumner County Schools administrators prepared to expand their one-to-one program to the middle and high school students, technology leaders knew their existing network would not make the cut. Working against tight deadlines, Chris Brown, assistant director of schools for information services, turned to CDW to quickly install Wi-Fi 6 access points that could support an extra 20,000-plus devices to enable 21st century learning.

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How 3 Districts Are Reimagining High School and the Future of Work

Digital Promise

Three innovative school districts are reimagining the high school experience to better prepare students for college and career.

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Enhancing School Device Management for Improved Learning

Schools face increasing challenges as technology becomes integral to education. Efficient device management is essential for maximizing technology use and safeguarding investments. Our article discusses the importance of tracking devices, outlines current challenges, and suggests modern solutions that go beyond traditional methods like Excel. Learn how advanced tracking systems can streamline operations, improve maintenance, and offer real-time updates for better resource allocation.

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When Teaching Students Math, Concepts Matter More Than Process


As a mathematics education researcher, I study how math instruction impacts students' learning, from following standard math procedures to understanding mathematical concepts. Focusing on the latter, conceptual understanding often involves understanding the “why” of a mathematical concept ; it’s the reasoning behind the math rather than the how or the steps it takes to get to an answer.

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5 strategies to close the critical thinking gap

eSchool News

Key points: Critical thinking should not be separate from and on top of what teachers are doing in the classroom How to help students build critical success skills 3 lessons on perseverance from Stoffel the honey badger For more news on durable skills, visit eSN’s Innovative Teaching hub Achievement discrepancies among U.S. students remain persistent and troubling–despite decades of targeted interventions and whole-school improvement programs.

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Harley Wade from State of Writing created 7 Tips for Creating a Budget in High School

Ask a Tech Teacher

It’s graduation time for High School seniors, that moment when they take over their own bills, budgets, and balancing income with outcomes. The Ask a Tech Teacher crew has some great times from Harley Wade on that subject: Harley Wade from State of Writing created 7 Tips for Creating a Budget in High School High school is the best time to start learning responsible financial management.

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How Educators Are Fostering Courageous Dialogue Among Students

Digital Promise

A new project is supporting teachers in helping students engage in courageous dialogue. An instructional coach reflects on the progress so far.

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Latest AI Announcements Mean Another Big Adjustment for Educators


Tech giants Google, Microsoft and OpenAI have unintentionally assigned educators around the world major homework for the summer: Adjusting their assignments and teaching methods to adapt to a fresh batch of AI features that students will enter classrooms with in the fall. Educators at both schools and colleges were already struggling to keep up with ChatGPT and other AI tools during this academic year, but a fresh round of announcements last month by major AI companies may require even greater a

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An Updated Guide To Questioning In The Classroom

TeachThought - Learn better.

Questioning in the Classroom: An Updated Guide by Terry Heick If the ultimate goal of education is for students to be able to answer questions effectively, then focusing on content and response strategies makes sense. If the ultimate goal of education is to teach students to think, then focusing on how we can help students ask better questions themselves might make sense, no?

Classroom 111
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Quickly Create Personalized Learning Experiences that Work

How can we actively engage learners 24/7, on their level and according to their interests, while respecting their learning styles? It’s not impossible. In this guide: Explore how to transform traditional, one-way videos into two-way interactive learning experiences Understand different types of artificial intelligence (AI), including - Generative vs.

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Subscriber Special: June Special Add-on with School License

Ask a Tech Teacher

Every month, subscribers to our newsletter get a free/discounted resource to help their tech teaching. June 4th-6th: Buy any K-8 School License get 2 free print books of the grade level you purchased (Please note: new orders only; domestic or freight-forwarders only) Usually, you get one desk copy for each grade level included in your school license.

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How We’re Building Collective Ownership to Create a Shared Vision for Early STEM Innovations

Digital Promise

The post How We’re Building Collective Ownership to Create a Shared Vision for Early STEM Innovations appeared first on Digital Promise.

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3 tips to combat chronic absenteeism in high schools

eSchool News

Key points: Light-touch, low-cost interventions focused on attendance can pay dividends Student success is impacted by issues outside of school, survey finds How bullying contributes to K-12 student absenteeism For more news on student success, visit eSN’s SEL & Well-Being hub One surefire way to support student success? Consistent, positive family communication.

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What Can You Do with an English Degree

Kyle Pace

An English degree is often met with questions about its practical applications. Yet, those studying English find many opportunities across diverse fields, leveraging their strong communication skills, analytical abilities, and creative thinking. This article unveils the varied paths one can take with an English degree. The Foundation of an English Degree At its core, an English degree equips students to analyze text, understand context, and communicate ideas effectively.

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Can Brain Science Actually Help Make Your Training & Teaching Stick?

Speaker: Andrew Cohen, Founder & CEO of Brainscape

The instructor’s PPT slides are brilliant. You’ve splurged on the expensive interactive courseware. Student engagement is stellar. So… why are half of your students still forgetting everything they learned in just a matter of weeks? It's likely a matter of cognitive science! With so much material to "teach" these days, we often forget to incorporate key proven principles into our curricula — namely active recall, metacognition, spaced repetition, and interleaving practice.

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What Happens When Schools Hire an Ethical Hacker?

EdTech Magazine

Most schools don’t think about hacking their networks until a bad actor does it for them. But K–12 schools cannot afford to be an easy target. They hold some of the most valuable information on the planet — student data — which is likely to have never been used, and that makes it highly profitable on the dark web. While getting hacked by a bad guy can sometimes be inevitable, schools should take a proactive approach by hiring an ethical hacker to find the holes in their network before a bad acto

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What You Might Have Missed in May–What’s up in June

Ask a Tech Teacher

Here are the most-read posts for the past month: Books You’ll Want to Read This Summer Tech Tips to End the School Year AI has potential to upend student testing A Typing Website With a Twist 5 Innovative Tech Projects for High Schoolers How do you teach the hard to teach class? Watch the video. How to Track My Child’s Location 12 Innovative Digital Tools to Engage High School Students May Is Homeschool Awareness Month–Check our Subscriber Special Ethics and the Use of AI in Essays Here’s

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PROOF POINTS: Writing researcher finds AI feedback ‘better than I thought’

The Hechinger Report

Researchers from the University of California, Irvine, and Arizona State University found that human feedback was generally a bit better than AI feedback, but AI was surprisingly good. Credit: Getty Images This week I challenged my editor to face off against a machine. Barbara Kantrowitz gamely accepted, under one condition: “You have to file early.

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Podcasting for learning–and an antidote to screen time?

eSchool News

This post originally appeared on the Christensen Institute’s blog and is reposted here with permission. Key points: Podcasts can swap out screen time with audio-based, thought-provoking leisure 5 digital resources to inspire curiosity and engage students 3 things to consider when designing digital learning experiences For more news on learning technologies, visit eSN’s Digital Learning hub This piece was coauthored with Daniel Curtis.

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Reimagining Chickering & Gamson's Principles Post-Pandemic: Technology's Central Role in Modern Edu

This white paper examines and proposes revisions to the "Seven Principles for Good Practice in Undergraduate Education" introduced by Arthur Chickering and Zelda Gamson in 1987 for today's technology-driven world.

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Can Young Mental Health Navigators Ease the Crisis Facing Today's Students?


Young people are struggling with mental health, and for many, the challenges have worsened over the last decade. About one in three high schoolers report persistent feelings of hopelessness and an alarming number say they’ve had thoughts of suicide. Blame it on the pandemic, or climate change. Blame it on hyperpartisan politics, or the ubiquity of social media and smartphones.

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Tips for Finishing the School Year Mindfully


A week into summer break, teacher Michelle Russell looks back at how she adjusted the last weeks of class to lower her stress and make sure she would face less stress in the fall. Included: imposing order on packing away supplies and making time to check in with kids. The post Tips for Finishing the School Year Mindfully first appeared on MiddleWeb.

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June is Internet Safety Month

Ask a Tech Teacher

June is National Internet Safety Month , thanks to a resolution passed in 2005 by the U.S. Senate. The goal is to raise awareness about online safety for all, with a special focus on kids ranging from tots to teens. Here’s a short list of internet cautions I got from an online efriend a few years ago. I reprint it every year because it covers all the basics, avoids boring details, and gives kids (and adults) rules to live by: Not everything you read online is true It used to be anything we

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A checklist no one wants: 8 steps to take after a school shooting

The Hechinger Report

Heather Martin was a 17-year-old senior at Columbine High School when a school shooting took the lives of 12 classmates and one teacher. More than two decades later, in 2021, she was an English teacher at Aurora Central High School in Colorado when six of the school’s students were shot at a park across the street from the campus. Martin was one of several experts and survivors of school shootings who spoke about recovering from gun violence during a recent webinar hosted by the Department of E

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Behind the Bell: The Underlying Impact of Tardiness in K-12 Schools

Managing a K-12 campus with constant pressure to meet performance metrics is challenging. And tardiness can significantly limit a school from reaching these goals. Learn more about why chronic lateness matters, and key strategies to address the following impacts: Data errors caused by manual processes Low attendance and graduation rates that affect a school’s reputation Classroom disruption, which leads to poor academic performance High staff attrition and “The Teacher Exodus” Unmet LCAP goals t

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Friday 5: AR and VR

eSchool News

Key points: AR and VR have much potential for increasing student engagement Using VR to radically improve learning outcomes Bringing the world to life through augmented reality For more news on AR and VR, visit eSN’s Digital Learning hub Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) are fun to use, but AR and VR tools also have a number of uses when it comes to connecting students with experiences they can’t necessarily have in person.

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Inclusive by Design: Sharing Insights for Crafting Accessible Conferences


As educators, we understand that true learning happens when barriers are removed and diverse voices are amplified. Recently, we took the stage at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) conference to share our experiences designing accessible conferences and events. This wasn't a one-way lecture; it was a collaborative exploration, inviting the audience to contribute their insights and perspectives.

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Solar-Powered Schools: What You Need to Know


Thousands of schools across the U.S. have saved money by installing solar panels. The process can involve little to no upfront costs and often results in significant cost savings for the school or district.

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Math Explorations to Engage Your Students


As the school year ends, it's easy for students to lose their momentum. One way to help ease students into summer mode, but still sneak in some math review, is to find engaging activities. Kathleen Palmieri shares favorites from Jo Boaler that can also be saved for fall warm-ups. The post Math Explorations to Engage Your Students first appeared on MiddleWeb.

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The Battle of the Authoring Tools: A 10-Point Comparison for Picking the Right One

Speaker: Chris Paxton McMillin, President of D3 Training Solutions

There are plenty of great authoring tools for developing eLearning, but the one you select could directly impact your course's outcomes. Depending upon your learners’ needs and your organization’s performance goals, you could be overlooking considerations that impact the both effectiveness of your courses and how long it takes to finish them. From general capabilities to specific workflow structures, some aspects are critical when it comes to learning objectives and deadlines.

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The quest for ‘embodied equity’ on college campuses focuses on neurodivergent students

The Hechinger Report

Niki Elliot skipped the fifth grade. She was so smart that she could have skipped another, she said, but her mother didn’t want her in class with older boys. And so she was always bored in school. She had a “near photographic” memory and didn’t need to study, she said, so she never learned how to. She remembers finishing her assignments in five minutes and spending the next 30 waiting for her classmates to catch up.

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How educators can use a ‘Fitbit approach’ to improve student outcomes

eSchool News

Key points: Student data only matters when we turn it into action Personalized Learning: eSN Innovation Roundtable 5 educators share insights into teaching and learning For more news on data-informed instruction, visit eSN’s Innovative Teaching hub For years now, many people have used wearable technology such as the Fitbit or Apple Watch to understand data about their health–their heart rate, for example, or their total steps per day.

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5 Reasons FigJam is Your New Jam

Teacher Tech with Alice Keeler

Enhance classroom engagement with FigJam! Seamlessly integrate multimedia, organize lessons, and foster collaboration all in one versatile tool. Make FigJam your new jam for dynamic teaching. The post 5 Reasons FigJam is Your New Jam appeared first on Teacher Tech with Alice Keeler.

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The Importance of AI Acceptance in Education


How AI can be regulated in a cyclical manner, staying fresh for students, teachers, and parents.

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The Roses and Thorns of an LMS Strategy: How to Flourish with the Right LMS

Speaker: Amanda Davis, Chief Experience Officer and Liam O'Malley, VP of Association Solutions

The "new normal" is now a little less new, a little more normal. Does that mean your current LMS strategy is in need of a refresh? Is your organization or association leaning into the always-evolving eLearning environment to ensure you have the tools and content to remain relevant through all this change? There are many complex decision-making processes within your learning & development strategy and LMS lifecycle management, including: Selection.