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14 Examples Of Innovation In Higher Education

TeachThought - Learn better.

Competency-Based Learning. Competency-Based Education is something I’m hearing more and more about, which is neither bad nor good, but worth understanding more carefully. Video Streaming/ Flipped Classroom/eLearning Trends. Six Common Examples Of Innovation In Higher Education. We shall see.

Examples 142
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50 Alternatives To Lecturing

TeachThought - Learn better.

In the background knowledge-building phase of learning, for example. Or in a “flipped classroom” setting where the “lecture” is designed to be consumed at the student’s own pace (using viewing strategies , for example). Rotation blended learning. Flex Blended Learning. HyFlex Learning.

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The 100 Worst Ed-Tech Debacles of the Decade

Hack Education

The Flipped Classroom". It was probably Sal Khan’s 2011 TED Talk “Let’s Use Video to Reinvent Education” and the flurry of media he received over the course of the following year or so that introduced the idea of the “flipped classroom” to most people. See David Kernohan’s excellent keynote at OpenEd13 for more.)

Pearson 145