Wed.Feb 20, 2019

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How to Protect K–12 Networks From Student Hackers

EdTech Magazine

How to Protect K–12 Networks From Student Hackers. eli.zimmerman_9856. Wed, 02/20/2019 - 12:35. It’s no secret that school districts are a gold mine for hackers, who can exploit all of the confidential student, parent and employee data available for financial gain or to assuage a personal grudge. . While schools — rightfully — fear hacking of their computer systems by professional criminals, students increasingly breach their school’s cybersecurity safeguards , giving educators and administrator

E-rate 411
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Entrepreneurs Should Pay Attention to Advice They Don’t Want to Hear

Ed Tech from the Ground Up

So many startup legends lead us to believe that a single piece of advice—either taken or not—can be pivotal to the success of a company. The post Entrepreneurs Should Pay Attention to Advice They Don’t Want to Hear appeared first on Market Brief.

Company 344

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How to Use Metaverse: Awesome Augmented Reality and New Features

The CoolCatTeacher

From the Cool Cat Teacher Blog by Vicki Davis Follow @coolcatteacher on Twitter Metaverse is a powerful augmented reality (AR) programming app for classrooms. I first wrote about this app in December 2017 shortly after launch. Metaverse has come a long way and is specifically focused on becoming an amazing AR app for classrooms with the new Collections feature.

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The Digital Gallery Walk: Collaboration on their feet

Ditch That Textbook

Collaboration is cemented as one of the four C’s in education, right along with communication, critical thinking and creativity. When it comes to digital collaboration, one characteristic highlights almost all of our approaches. Sitting. A lot of sitting. The concerns with obesity and Type 2 diabetes are well documented, along with the harmful effects of […].

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Enhancing School Device Management for Improved Learning

Schools face increasing challenges as technology becomes integral to education. Efficient device management is essential for maximizing technology use and safeguarding investments. Our article discusses the importance of tracking devices, outlines current challenges, and suggests modern solutions that go beyond traditional methods like Excel. Learn how advanced tracking systems can streamline operations, improve maintenance, and offer real-time updates for better resource allocation.

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Testing Mode Matters

Digital Promise

This article originally appeared on Usable Knowledge from the Harvard Graduate School of Education. Read the original version here. Taking a test online rather than on paper might hurt students’ test scores — at least at first — according to a study from the American Institutes for Research (AIR). In a study published in the February issue of the Economics of Education Review (presented in an April 2018 working paper ), AIR researchers James Cowan and Ben Backes looked at the scores of

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The Greatest Challenge to School Innovation

Education Elements

When school leaders want to bring innovative practices to classrooms, what's the greatest challenge that stands in their way? Lack of funding? Inadequate in-house expertise? According to the most recent SpeakUp survey, 46% of administrators point to one key factor above most others: teacher motivation.

Survey 167

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Using Neuroscience to Launch a Research-Informed School Schedule


It is 8 p.m. and Sam is sitting down for the first time in hours after a long day at school, which was followed by play practice; she is Liesel in the upcoming performance of “The Sound of Music.” After leaving school at 5 p.m., she had a two-hour soccer practice, a brief dinner with her family and a shower. Finally settling in at her desk, she checks Schoology, her school’s learning management system, to see what homework she has for the six classes she will attend tomorrow.

Robotics 167
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Don’t Look Now but the 21st Century is Behind You!

Education Elements

Five years ago, our team partnered with the Economist Group to conduct a study where we asked business and industry leaders around the world, what were the most critical skills they wanted their employees to possess. You could say the results were more validating than surprising. The usual suspects were on the list – problem-solving, teamwork, communication, critical thinking, and digital literacy were among the skills mentioned.

Industry 126
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Preventing Digital Damage: 4 Tips For Managing Your Child’s Screen Time

EdNews Daily

Physicians, teachers and psychologists generally agree that spending inordinate amounts of time immersed in computers, smartphones or social media can negatively impact a child’s developing mind and body. A screen time article published recently in JAMA Pediatrics found a link between excessive screen time and later development milestones. Other studies have associated digital overuse with teen depression, and the American Academy of Pediatrics has issued a resource suggesting daily limits on sc

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3 Keys to Creating a More Agile School District

Education Elements

In 2012, Google began studying how workers can transform productivity by examining the perfect team. They scrutinized everything from how often they socialize together, to how regularly they communicate, to their personal backgrounds. Like many organizations, Google believed that putting the best people together would create the highest level of productivity.

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Quickly Create Personalized Learning Experiences that Work

How can we actively engage learners 24/7, on their level and according to their interests, while respecting their learning styles? It’s not impossible. In this guide: Explore how to transform traditional, one-way videos into two-way interactive learning experiences Understand different types of artificial intelligence (AI), including - Generative vs.

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How to Make District-Wide Innovation Personal—and Collaborative


In some corners of education, personalization is no longer just a buzzword. It’s a bad word. There are many reasons, including a lack of clarity around definitions , a lack of efficacy—because of confusion around the term—and, at some schools, a lack of rigor. Another reason for the concern is that as educators increasingly use digital tools to personalize learning for students, some have struggled to ensure that the environments they create are not isolating.

How To 119
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An Ed Tech Ground Hog Day Project Based Learning Story

21st Century Educational Technology and Learning

Welcome to my Groundhog Day Posting. I thought I could still do this with it still being February. If you are a fan of PBL, I think you will enjoy my story. This is a true venture into my right brain! You may wonder how I connected groundhogs with 21st Century Learning. It wasn’t easy, but after I found out that Punxsutawney Phil had a Facebook account, I couldn’t resist contacting him.

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Online Learning's 'Greatest Hits'


From the very start of digital education, the big question has always been: ”How can students learn effectively, if they’re not face-to-face with their instructors?” Since digital education first emerged, following the heady early days of the World Wide Web in the ‘90s, online learning faced the elusive hurdle of turning disembodied classmates and instructors into living, breathing engaged learners and teachers, with minds and hearts you can feel, know and understand; with whom you can imagine s

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It is back UP! Move to Top in Google Classroom

Teacher Tech

For those of you who missed the “Move to top” option in Google Classroom it is back! On the STREAM (not Classwork) page now you have the option to “Move to Top.” 3 Dots On the Stream, not Classwork page, you can click on the 3 dots on the announcement and choose “Move to top.” […]. The post It is back UP! Move to Top in Google Classroom appeared first on Teacher Tech.

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Can Brain Science Actually Help Make Your Training & Teaching Stick?

Speaker: Andrew Cohen, Founder & CEO of Brainscape

The instructor’s PPT slides are brilliant. You’ve splurged on the expensive interactive courseware. Student engagement is stellar. So… why are half of your students still forgetting everything they learned in just a matter of weeks? It's likely a matter of cognitive science! With so much material to "teach" these days, we often forget to incorporate key proven principles into our curricula — namely active recall, metacognition, spaced repetition, and interleaving practice.

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The Fight Against ‘Fake News’ in the Classroom Gets a Boost


Years before phrases like “fake news” and “alternative facts” made their way into the English lexicon, Alan Miller realized that a time was coming when the truth would need defending. It was 2006, and Miller—then an investigative reporter in the Washington bureau of the Los Angeles Times—had just spoken to 175 sixth graders at his daughter’s middle school about his job as a journalist and why it mattered.

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Teacher shortages force districts to use online education programs

The Hechinger Report

Arthur Evans III, left, gets homework instructions at the Rosedale Freedom Project from its founder and director of programming, Jeremiah Smith, in Rosedale in early November. Photo: Eric J Shelton for Mississippi Today. ROSEDALE, Miss. — On most afternoons, Jeremiah Smith, founder of an afterschool and summer program called the Rosedale Freedom Project, can be found sitting side-by-side with his students as they peer at laptops, trying to get through their assignments.

Edmentum 111
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How to change your school culture on the cheap

eSchool News

If you’ve ever been to a special event, a professional or collegiate game, or even a fundraiser, you likely observed a promoter, DJ, or other variation of a court jester launching promotional t-shirts into the crowd. Everyone goes crazy and, as the t-shirts are tossed or shot out of a cannon, people jump up to grab the items with energy and excitement.

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This program is helping fast-diversifying suburban schools promote success for all students

The Hechinger Report

The view from the entrance of Ridgeview Charter Middle School in Sandy Springs, Georgia. Photo: Nick Chiles for The Hechinger Report. SANDY SPRINGS, Ga. — Standing in front of Ridgeview Charter Middle School in this Atlanta suburb, you can’t help but notice the opulence of the homes that surround it. Soaring turrets. Columned entrances. Lush lawns. These are folks who clearly have bitten off a sizable chunk of the American dream.

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Reimagining Chickering & Gamson's Principles Post-Pandemic: Technology's Central Role in Modern Edu

This white paper examines and proposes revisions to the "Seven Principles for Good Practice in Undergraduate Education" introduced by Arthur Chickering and Zelda Gamson in 1987 for today's technology-driven world.

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4 Good Digital Textbook resources for Teachers

Educational Technology and Mobile Learning

We got a couple of requests over the past few weeks from teachers asking about digital textbook resources. Here are some of the websites and apps we would recommend in this regard.

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Spotty internet access for rural students limits achievement

eSchool News

Technology and internet access for rural students in some parts of the U.S. is unreliable at best, and this limited access could adversely affect their learning. Rural students are less likely than non-rural students to claim that their home internet access is “great” (36 percent versus 46 percent). Home internet access for rural students is vital for learning, as report after report consistently identify the growing homework gap as detrimental to student achievement.

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New ways to identify struggling students

The Hechinger Report

Editor’s note: This story led off this week’s Future of Learning newsletter, which is delivered free to subscribers’ inboxes every Wednesday with trends and top stories about education innovation. Subscribe today! Adults in a school generally know the names of the most at-risk students. Those having the hardest time academically or emotionally stand out.

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17 of the Best Board Games for Kids Who Spend Too Much Time Online

Fractus Learning

There was a time when the greatest new games could not be bought with a click from the App Store. There was a time when gaming was not a pursuit of lone children with poor posture, […].

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Behind the Bell: The Underlying Impact of Tardiness in K-12 Schools

Managing a K-12 campus with constant pressure to meet performance metrics is challenging. And tardiness can significantly limit a school from reaching these goals. Learn more about why chronic lateness matters, and key strategies to address the following impacts: Data errors caused by manual processes Low attendance and graduation rates that affect a school’s reputation Classroom disruption, which leads to poor academic performance High staff attrition and “The Teacher Exodus” Unmet LCAP goals t

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OPINION: Many rural schools have been ‘minimally adequate’ for too long

The Hechinger Report

. I remember as a young reporter for The State newspaper in South Carolina’s capital, Columbia, driving with a colleague in 1999 to the old Bishopville High School in rural Lee County. The school was still in operation, despite having been condemned. (Its main lobby ceiling had collapsed in an incident that could have killed someone.) Some of the classroom windows were missing panes of glass, open to the wind.

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Two Good Writing Apps for Students and Teachers

Educational Technology and Mobile Learning

For serious writers looking for some very good apps to help them with their everyday writing, the two apps below are definitely what you are looking for. Both of these apps are available for Mac.

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Making Equity Visible in Inclusive Classrooms


To meet the learning needs of students with diverse abilities in inclusion classrooms, NBCT Elizabeth Stein suggests a focus on equity. She offers four key strategies (with supporting resources) that align specifically with co-teaching strengths and student abilities.

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11 Tips and Tricks That You Should Consider When Selecting Your Next WordPress Theme


Learn more than 10 essential tips and tricks to plan your next big website redesign and relaunch to get you the desired results you need from your new website. The post 11 Tips and Tricks That You Should Consider When Selecting Your Next WordPress Theme appeared first on The TeacherCast Educational Network.

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Enhancing HyFlex Education through the PowerTeaching Framework

This whitepaper explores integrating the PowerTeaching pedagogical approach within a HyFlex (Hybrid Flexible) educational model, focusing on employing cooperative learning strategies and efficient classroom management techniques.

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It is back UP! Move to Top in Google Classroom

Teacher Tech

For those of you who missed the “Move to top” option in Google Classroom it is back! On the STREAM (not Classwork) page now you have the option to “Move to Top.” 3 Dots On the Stream, not Classwork page, you can click on the 3 dots on the announcement and choose “Move to top.” […]. The post It is back UP! Move to Top in Google Classroom appeared first on Teacher Tech.

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What Does It Take To Create A Student-Lead Award Winning Podcast?


Have you ever wanted to help your teachers bring podcasting into their classroom? Learn how the students behind the @AWCulture Podcast are doing some AMAZING things behind the microphone! The post What Does It Take To Create A Student-Lead Award Winning Podcast? appeared first on The TeacherCast Educational Network.

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Using Screencasting and Google Slides to Make an Authentic Language Project

Dr. Shannon Doak

I have been lucky to assist a Spanish teacher with a project that she and I feel is very valuable to her second language learners. In a previous post , I discussed how one of the 21st-century literacy skills for students according to the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) is to “create, critique, analyze, and evaluate multimedia texts.” What this means is that students need to be given the chance to create more than just written text.

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The Role of Educational Leaders in Sustainable Edtech Initiatives


"Small but mighty" is what I called my small rural Massachusetts school district when I recently presented to a leadership team that included district administrators, building administrators and community members. In the past three years, our district, with its previously limited instructional technology, has morphed into a digitally equitable learning environment for all students.

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The Battle of the Authoring Tools: A 10-Point Comparison for Picking the Right One

Speaker: Chris Paxton McMillin, President of D3 Training Solutions

There are plenty of great authoring tools for developing eLearning, but the one you select could directly impact your course's outcomes. Depending upon your learners’ needs and your organization’s performance goals, you could be overlooking considerations that impact the both effectiveness of your courses and how long it takes to finish them. From general capabilities to specific workflow structures, some aspects are critical when it comes to learning objectives and deadlines.