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How single parents can help their kids find fun, educational online activities

Helping kids find safe activities online isn’t always easy; these days, with social media and social gaming, it can be difficult to find kid-friendly spots on the internet. Yet there are so many fun and educational apps and websites that your child could be taking advantage of, it seems a waste to prevent young people from enjoying them.

Many parents have found that especially on rainy days it’s hard to keep little ones entertained and happy, which can lead to stress for everyone. Computer time can be a huge help, but where do you start?

How single parents can help their kids find fun, educational online activities

For single parents, it can be overwhelming to try and narrow down all the safe online spaces for young people; even sites that seem kid-friendly can have social networking features that can be an issue for young children.

Here are a few ideas on what kind of educational online activities can parents engage in together with their young children and some corresponding sites and apps that little ones can utilize for fun and learning.

  • Cater to their interests

    Most kids love animals, so why not help them learn more about dogs? These fascinating creatures are sweet, funny and loving and can be such a calming presence that simply petting them can lower blood pressure and reduce stress. If you have a dog in your family, even better! Help your child learn and have fun at the same time with a dog-themed lesson plan they’ll love sharing with their friends. Rover is a great place to start so make sure to check out their dog-themed lesson plans.

  • Get scientific

    Science offers numerous ways to learn through hands-on experimentation, which kids love. Look for easy activities that are age-appropriate; there are several that can be done with everyday household items. It will take a bit of research to find out whether these are best performed outside or inside, and supervision will likely be required depending on the age of your children. With a little preparation, you can help your kids learn and have fun at the same time.

  • Start drawing

    It’s rare to find a child who won’t start drawing when you hand them a crayon and paper; kids have a natural affinity for art and will keep pursuing it if they are encouraged. If your child is creative and wants to find out more about how to draw his favorite animals or cartoon characters, help him find the right tutorials online. Art for Kids Hub has tons of fun how-to-draw tutorials with instructional videos included.

  • Get musical

    Kids of all ages love to dance and make their own music, and you don’t have to be a music teacher to help them enjoy sound. Teaching Children Music has some great resources for parents and teachers on how to help kids learn to sing and play instruments, wonderful activities that translate into math, social, and emotional skills to help children make school a success.

  • Head to YouTube

    Of all the previously mentioned sites, YouTube needs to be monitored more closely. YouTube For Kids offers quite a few educational programs and tutorials, but it’s still possible for more adult-themed videos to slip through their filters. You’ll want to check out any video before allowing your child to watch it all the way through; however, there are plenty of awesome exercise and dance videos that will get your kids up and moving on a rainy day.

Being a single parent is tough, even on a good day. However, helping your children find safe and fun activities online will benefit both of you on rainy days and will help them learn to make good choices throughout their lives, as well as give you peace of mind.