We need to study millions of resources and reflect on other opinions to form personal beliefs. That is the whole idea of education – stimulating us to think critically and express our ideas clearly. In this concept, committing a mistake is no crime. What is a real offense is plagiarism.

Protecting academic integrity, teachers nowadays don’t approve the assignment without an originality report. Moreover, educational institutions implement checking for plagiarism as an obligatory standard.

How often do teachers check homework for plagiarism?

Due to the paramount importance of honesty and originality, plagiarism-checking is part of the teacher’s routine. In some cases, experienced educators can identify copied work without any tools. However, most use plagiarism detector  tools like PlagiarismCheck.org, which can scan multiple assignments simultaneously and produce comprehensive reports within a few moments. Furthermore, the software integrates with learning management systems like Moodle, Canvas, and Google Classroom, incorporating similarity detection into the learning process.

How do professors know if you plagiarized or not?

Originality checkers not only compare your homework assignment to various resources and show all the matching parts. AI-based tools like PlagiarismCheck.org indicate even the tricky attempts to cheat: the detector highlights words substituted with synonyms, poorly paraphrased sentences, and even blank symbols.

Plagchecking software provides a report with links to the sources where matches have been found so the professor can compare them to your work.

Furthermore, a custom database allows the teachers to upload their own papers. It means the similarity checker can consider not only the Internet or specific academic resources but also your fellow students’ assignments, indicating the copying from each other.

Beware of unintended plagiarism: even when writing the text from scratch, we happen to repeat someone’s ideas. Unfortunately, it is still considered plagiarism. So, it is always better to scan the text for similarities to eliminate possible appropriation.

PlagiarismCheck.org comes in handy not only for teachers! Use plagiarism and AI content detector to check your assignment before submitting it, improve your writing, and stay on the safe side. Try it for free now.