truth education

No-holds-barred interview: The need for truth in education!

Special interview: Dr. Rod Berger interviews Dr. Steve Perry

People know Dr. Steve Perry from his education thought leadership, his Capital Preparatory Schools system and his talent to tell his personal stories in education.

Outspoken and often controversial, Dr. Perry’s voice is widely respected by grassroots community members, education experts and even A-list celebrities.

In this no-holds-barred interview, Dr. Perry talks about the teachers’ unions, school choice and the need for an honest discussion in the media about education.

Dr. Perry sees a pressing need for the truth about education, and his popularity on CNN and other major news and entertainment networks seems to prove out the concept. He refers to most education beat reporters as hacks, and bemoans the pedantic rhetoric of most of the education contributors we see on TV, who always present “the same silly ‘give the public schools more money’ talk.” He says people are tired of that, and want more.

Education touches nearly every person in America, and its consumption is directly tied to the success of our nation. But the real stories are getting lost in our media. And people are hungry for more.

Next page: An honest perspective about what education really needs today

Dr. Perry’s commitment to excellence started as the former principal of Capital Preparatory Magnet School in Hartford, Conn. Capital Prep sent 100 percent of its predominantly low-income, minority, first generation high school graduates to four-year colleges every year since its first class graduated in 2006, and the school was cited by U.S. News and World Report as one of the top schools in the country. In 2012, Dr. Perry founded Capital Preparatory schools, with locations in Connecticut and Harlem.

Click here to read Dr. Perry’s no-holds-barred interviews on the need for truth in education.

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Laura Ascione
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