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6 of the coolest education grants we’ve ever heard about

Check out these education grants if you or your school are in need of a funding boost

Funding usually sits at the top of school leaders’ list of challenges, and for good reason–there’s only so much money to go around. That’s where education grants come in, and we’ve got some unique ones worth exploring.

Do you have community-oriented students who have fantastic ideas to solve specific challenges? Or maybe you’re a teacher who has used a certain beloved book series in core curriculum. And did we mention a cruise? (Yes, these are education grants.)

Read more: 6 district management challenges, solved

Whatever the need, the following 6 education grants are unique opportunities that could help engage students or refresh classrooms as the school year continues.

1. The Power of Youth Challenge invites youth to bring positive change to the community by leading a local service project, making a difference, and developing skills for use now and in the future. All young people ages 13-18 who want to improve their communities are eligible to apply. Project teams are encouraged and should be made up of at least 3 young people. Don’t know where to start? Follow these steps: Identify an issue in your community and learn more about it; start planning your project with your team; build a budget to implement your project; apply for a grant for up to $250 to make it happen; track your results and impact; tell your story to a larger community who are also making their communities better.

Deadline: March 31, 2019

2. The Magic Tree House 2019 Educator of the Year Award honors a teacher who creatively and successfully incorporates Magic Tree House fiction and nonfiction into the classroom curriculum. The winning entries will be judged on how well the children’s book series was used to teach subjects such as history, math, and science.

Deadline: April 12, 2019

3. The NoVo Foundation is committed to supporting the spread of social and emotional learning (SEL) practices in schools and districts nationwide. The fund aims to seed projects that foster social and emotional competencies in students in grades PK-12. Individual teachers and district-level applicants are invited to apply.

Deadline: March 22, 2019

4. Wayfair’s Dream Classroom Giveaway will award five teachers with brand-new classrooms. Winners of the education grants will be selected based on submissions from teachers, colleagues, administrators, students and families, as well as anyone in local communities who would like to recognize the incredible work of their hometown teachers. Classroom makeovers will include new desks and chairs, storage options, marker boards, a teacher’s desk, and more, tailored to the appropriate age group, with variations based on the needs of the students and the type of classroom.

Deadline: April 5, 2019

5. The KidWind Project and WindWinRI are hosting the 12th annual REcharge Academy at the University of Rhode Island’s Coastal Resources Center in Narragansett, RI on July 15-18, 2019. The four-day training will focus on wind power and the future of offshore wind. By providing the context and content needed to teach renewable energy concepts in their classrooms, this intensive training blends lectures on the science behind wind power and the politics, technologies and economics of the offshore wind energy industry with replicable hands-on STEM lessons for K-12 students.

Deadline: April 1, 2019 and May 15, 2019

6. The Norwegian Cruise Line Giving Joy campaign seeks to recognize and reward educators in the U.S. and Canada. Nominate an educator who demonstrates a passion for spreading the joy of learning (or, if you are one, nominate yourself!). The top 15 nominees will receive a free cruise for two, an exclusive invitation to an award ceremony on May 3 in Seattle (including airfare and accommodations) and the chance to win the grand prize of $15,000 for their school.

Deadline: April 12, 2019

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Laura Ascione

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