Even those rejecting matcha lattes and TikTok trends can’t ignore significant changes in our world. That once happened to the Internet and now happens to the AI – more and more people incorporate it into their daily routines.

We can go on and on about how we need to figure out our relationship with ChatGPT and other writing bots and the importance of implementing the best practices and managing AI before it starts managing us. We can also describe all the value AI tools can contribute to writing if used correctly. But why not let it speak for itself?

So, firstly, let’s see why we need ChatGPT in writing at all.

If this sounds convincing (or at least intriguing) enough, you will definitely need some tips on streamlining your communication with AI. Learn how to make the most of it so you can use AI not just for entertainment but as a genuine working tool.

1. Dont transfer responsibility

Sounds not fun, but caution and awareness are crucial for effective AI integration.

  • Don’t insert sensitive or personal information using ChatGPT, as it doesn’t guarantee data protection.
  • Remember that text-generation tools don’t create but take information from different sources, causing AI plagiarism (read more on how AI chatbots work). Hence, always fact-check and proofread the information you get and adapt it for reference rather than as the text ready for submission. You may need a reliable plagiarism checker to verify the originality of your writing while utilizing AI tools.

2. Determine your goals, then give context

Analyzing enormous amounts of information, AI does its best to give you the most relevant answer – which is the most general as well. To align it with your needs, you should be specific.

  • Prioritize your target audience and refine the purpose of your text. Who are you addressing, what do you want them to do, and what idea do you aim to deliver?
  • Give ChatGPT prompts mentioning the tone of voice, the purpose of your text, or the things you want to improve: “Make a catchy title for an article about 5 Best Christmas Presents”, “Craft a hook for a blog post about How to prevent burnout in teaching,” “Make this title short and convincing: How to Make Molecular Physics Understandable for Teenagers, Best Tips from Someone Who Leartn (and Taught) it the Hard Way.”

Here is an example illustrating the described principle: the more specific your request is, the more accurate the result you get.

3. Enrichen your vocabulary

Look for synonyms and opposites to the word or explore another way to put a sentence to overcome writer’s block. Just ask ChatGPT to give “10 synonyms to the word beautiful” and pick the most appropriate for your text.

Best ChatGPT Prompts for Writing

ChatGPT is also a good way to find a word for a notion you can’t formulate or want to translate but don’t know in your native language.

Best ChatGPT Prompts for Writing

4. Set the parameters

AI strives to give you the most comprehensive answers. Let ChatGPT know if you need to keep it short or meet specific parameters.

Best ChatGPT Prompts for Writing

At the same time, you can use it to brainstorm for novel approaches.

Best ChatGPT Prompts for Writing

5. Make sure ChatGPT is appropriate

Remember that not everyone welcomes AI as an acceptable tool. While we as a society struggle to find our way around this new digitalized world, some institutions ban their students from using AI or call on them to utilize it moderately.

AI text detector is a tool that emerged as a response to the machine-written assignments problem when students use AI for cheating, asking to generate the paper and complete the tasks instead of them.

An AI detector can distinguish between machine-written and human-crafted text. So, incorporating ChatGPT, make sure it is suitable for the particular task, and never use it to do the work you are supposed to accomplish by yourself.

Best ChatGPT Prompts for Writing

PlagiarismCheck.org also won’t make your task or research for you. However, we are always here to ensure you find your authentic voice, become confident in your writing, and be proud of your accomplishments. We offer efficient plagiarism detector for Canvas, Moodle and other LMS, along with the browser extensions and Google Docs add-on. Try it for free!