Regulation & Policy K-12 Market News

Webinar Offers K-12 Companies Advice for Navigating Student-Data Privacy Laws

By Sean Cavanagh — April 19, 2018 2 min read
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Ed-tech companies doing business in K-12 systems have to sort through a thicket of federal, state, and local policies meant to protect student-data privacy. If they’re aren’t cognizant of those rules, providers can pay a steep price—in their reputations and their bottom lines.

On Friday, April 27 at 2 p.m. Eastern time, EdWeek Market Brief will host a webinar to give school providers practical advice on how to comply with privacy laws—and what to think about in the area of student data-privacy when developing and marketing products.

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I’ll be moderating the hour-long webinar, and I’ll be joined by a pair of presenters with extensive experience helping companies with this issue.

The first guest is Linnette Attai, the founder of Playwell LLC, who advises companies school systems, trade organizations, lawmakers, and others on student-data privacy. She also serves as a virtual chief privacy officer and data protection officer to different clients. In addition, Attai is the project director for the privacy initiative of the Consortium for School Networking, which represents K-12 chief technology officers.

Our other guest is Sara Kloek, the director of education policy at the Software & Information Industry Association. She previously served as a fellow at the U.S. Department of Education, and was an education policy advisor to a senior member of the U.S. House of Representatives.

We’ll be talking about the federal privacy laws and what may change with them on the horizon; how companies working across states can navigate the sea of different state student-data-privacy requirements; and how companies can work with districts to help parents understand data privacy.

Attai and Kloek will be taking questions, so get yours ready. You can sign up for the webinar here. Looking forward to having you take part.

Follow EdWeek Market Brief on Twitter @EdMarketBrief or connect with us on LinkedIn.

See also:

Coverage of how parents work with educators, community leaders and policymakers to make informed decisions about their children’s education is supported by a grant from the Walton Family Foundation, at Education Week retains sole editorial control over the content of this coverage.

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