Education Market K-12 Market News

Webinar Offers Keys for Ed. Companies to Make it in Foreign Markets

By Sean Cavanagh — November 02, 2017 1 min read
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If an education company is going to succeed in a foreign market, it usually needs the right kind of help.

Help understanding the most pressing needs of school buyers in that country. Help connecting with those buyers. Help distributing products and services. Help understanding the nuances of pricing, intellectual property protections, and contracts.

On Nov. 17 at 11 a.m. ET, EdWeek Market Brief will host a webinar to offer practical advice to education companies from the U.S. and other nations on tackling those challenges.

The discussion will focus on several of critical questions: 1) How can companies find partners abroad who will represent their brands effectively? 2) How can companies vet potential resellers who can get products into schools? And 3) How can companies pivot when their initial strategies in foreign markets don’t go according to plan?

My colleague Michele Molnar will be moderating a discussion that features two guests with years of expertise on this topic. The first is William Toerpe, who focuses on ed-tech development for the U.S. Foreign & Commercial Service, and has helped many American companies gain footholds abroad.

He’ll be joined by Kevin Mather, formerly vice president of international business at PASCO Scientific, who now assists companies in Northern California interested in locating trade partners around the world. Mather has a lot of knowledge about working with partners and resellers in some of the biggest foreign education markets in the world, including China.

Both Toerpe and Mather will take questions from the the audience after making presentations.

EdWeek Market Brief readers should also see our stories exploring the opportunities for education companies in the international arena. They include a look at the keys to identifying resellers abroad; how to avoid getting burned on intellectual property rights; and in-depth looks at education markets in China, Japan, Canada, the United Arab Emirates, Mexico, and Latin America.

For a great discussion and plenty of insights, tune in on Nov. 17.

See also:

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