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Education check-up: Computer science, Common Core, and Millenials’ skills

Catch up on the most compelling K-12 news stories you may have missed this week

Every Friday, I’ll recap some of the most interesting and thought-provoking news developments that occurred over the week.

I can’t fit all of this week’s news stories here, though, so feel free to visit and read up on other news you may have missed.

In this week’s news:

Shocking data reveals Millennials lacking skills across board
International data sets show U.S. Millennials hit global bottoms for skills in literacy, numeracy and technology problem-solving.

Partnerships strengthen computer science movement
Programs between the education, business communities help students become engaged in computer science courses from a younger age.

10 building blocks of early childhood education
High-quality early childhood education programs give students an equitable start, research says.

Common Core is changing how schools teach ELA and math
States considered strong adopters of Common Core are more likely to see a de-emphasis of fiction and a decline in advanced math enrollment among middle school students thanks to adoption, according to a new report.

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Laura Ascione
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