5 Reasons to take this Chromebook Management Mini-Course

After schools asked us to help them with managing Chromebooks, we realized that schools were purchasing the devices without best practices in place. As device management experts, we gladly helped them out. However, we thought, “How can we help schools better prepare for an influx of hundreds or thousands of Chromebooks?” We decided to create a new Chromebook management mini-course. However, I’m not just going to tell you to watch it, I’m going to give you 5 reasons to take this Chromebook Management Mini-Course.

1. Created for a busy schedule

Initially, the information about best practices was presented in a longer webinar of 45-minutes long. It was an interactive medium that allowed schools to ask questions on the spot. That was great. However, we realized that people who work in schools are BUSY. A webinar of 45-minutes long is WAY too time-consuming. As a result, we converted it into a 9-minute mini-course on how to manage Chromebooks. As a result, teachers, admin, and librarians can obtain information without a big commitment.

2. Separated into 3 sections

The information in this mini-course is presented in three sections: track who has what, track costs, repair management. The information is digestible and easy to follow along. As a result, if a student or teacher interrupts you while you’re watching the course, you can easily resume the course.

3. Watch or Listen

We call it a mini-course because we talk about the three essential practices for proper Chromebook management. It is super valuable to schools and districts because of the valuable input and direction. However, don’t be overwhelmed by the title “mini-course.” Watching the course provides additional visual cues but you can only listen to it if you prefer. It was created so both options are available.

4. Expert advice

We are Vector Networks. We have 30 years of experience in the IT industry. Now, we specialize in device management. In fact, we are one in fifteen products to be certified for asset management, worldwide. As a result, you can trust that this course will provide value for your school.

5. Free Resources

The mini-course describes the top 3 best practices for Chromebook management. It also explains why each one is important and how it affects your school. However, we didn’t want to leave you empty-handed, so we created spreadsheets to help you get started. The resources are freely available at this link.


6. No sign-up

The mini-course is readily available for anyone who lands on the page. We believe schools need this course more than we need an email. Therefore, anyone can benefit from its value and start implementing the best practices RIGHT AWAY. There is no risk, no commitment, and no reason you shouldn’t watch the Chromebook Management Mini-Course today.


How to simplify student device management in your school.

Need a Student Device Management Tool?

  • Google Admin Sync
  • Simplify 1:1 Initiatives
  • Track Device Repairs
  • Barcode Check-In/Check-Out

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