Based on forthcoming reports, CoSN offers a sneak peek at what experts predict will be barriers to--or accelerators of--innovation in 2020, like this hand with a rocket ship.

These 10 things will either hinder or support innovation in 2020

Based on forthcoming reports, CoSN offers a sneak peek at what experts predict will be barriers to--or accelerators of--innovation in 2020

Digital equity remains a top hurdle to teaching and learning innovation in schools, while personalization and SEL will help accelerate innovation, according to a glimpse of CoSN’s next Driving K-12 Innovation report.

CoSN’s Driving K-12 Innovation initiative is an ongoing effort to keep school IT leaders up-to-date on how new technologies impact different education stakeholders. The report and key findings will be available here in the coming months.

Related content: 3 things I learned by accident at CoSN 2019

Hurdles hinder innovation in schools, while accelerators support and buoy edtech innovation in teaching and learning.

The top hurdles for 2020 are:
1. Scaling and sustaining innovation
2. Data privacy and ownership
3. Evolution of teaching and learning
4. Pedagogy vs. technology gap
5. Digital equity

The top accelerators for 2020 are:
1. Learners as creators
2. Data-driven practices
3. Personalization
4. Social and emotional learning
5. Building the human capacity of leaders

The research also identifies tech enablers, which are tools school districts can leverage to overcome hurdles and use accelerators as best as possible.

The top five tech enablers for 2020 are:
1. Digital collaboration platforms
2. Tools for privacy and safety online
3. Analytics and adaptive technologies
4. Cloud infrastructure
5. Mobile devices

“This year we decided to combine the Hurdles and Accelerators reports to increase understanding of how the two trends relate and encourage more nuanced discussions moving forward. We hope this year’s findings lead to new dialogues about how to transform learning and improve student outcomes as we look to the future,” says Keith Krueger, CoSN’s CEO.

An advisory board of almost 100 education leaders worked together to identify the 2020 trends. Two forthcoming reports will examine the trends and offer real-life case studies.

CoSN also is inviting all CoSN members to submit their own examples, projects, and resources that relate to 2020’s top two tech enablers (digital collaboration platforms and tools for privacy and safety online). Those submissions could be featured on CoSN’s website and in future publications.

In 2019, the top five hurdles were: scaling and sustaining innovation, digital equity, the gap between technology and pedagogy, ongoing professional development, and technology and the future of work.

2019’s top five accelerators were: learners as creators, data-driven practices, personalization, design thinking, and building the capacity of human leaders.

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Laura Ascione

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