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How ST Math Guides Students to See the Math and Grow

In schools across the country, teachers face the challenge of leading all students of different levels, needs and backgrounds to stronger math achievement. 

Creating personalized learning paths that target all their different student's math skills can be very time-intensive for teachers. Here is where technology can provide support.

With over 200 visual, non-language based games, ST Math unlocks the potential in every student to grow a deeper understanding of math concepts and build non-routine problem solving skills. The standards-aligned program weaves a scaffolded mastery path that helps guide students towards math understanding. Through an adaptive informative feedback that is tailored to every student’s response, each student is challenged to find their own creative solutions, learn from their mistakes along the way, and continue to explore and grow at their own pace. 

ST Math is a proven impactful visual instructional program that engages students in deep conceptual understanding through creative and rigorous problem solving and differentiated instruction, allowing them to see the math and grow. 

Watch this 2-minute video to see how ST Math is helping pave the way to deeper learning in all students.


see the math video

Johanna Zafra

About the Author

Jo is a Creative Services Specialist at MIND Research Institute where she has supported math education for over 10 years.


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