Towards the future of the LMS: to Moodle and beyond

Ah, the learning management system (LMS) (VLE to some people).  One of the central ed technologies, as well as one of the most controversial, and yet also accepted as a nearly universal  commonplace. I’ve been tracking it since the 20th century.

Two weeks ago we had LMS guru Phil Hill as a guest on the Future Trends Forum, exploring current trends in depth.  Phil was terrifically informative and thoughtful, as were the more than one hundred participants, who joyously hounded him with questions and comments.

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 So many, in fact, that the session spilled over onto a followup blog post here and another at E-literate.  Combined, what emerged is something like a graduate seminar on the next LMS, especially in Phil’s post and the video discussion.

At some point soon I’ll write more about what we discovered.  For now I’m struck by how powerful a role the LMS still plays in educational technology, how deeply it is embedded in our enterprises and thinking, and how many diverse issues and trends it activates.

Martin DougiamasTo follow up on this resonant theme, this week the Future Trends Forum will host another guest with unparalleled insight into the LMS world.  That is Martin Dougiamas, only the creator and global cat-herder of Moodle, the leading open source LMS and one of the world’s two leading such systems.

I’d like to ask Martin about where he sees Moodle heading over the next decade.

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 Based on our Forum and blog conversations, I hope to raise questions about how Moodle software and its supporting community will evolve in response to increasing use of mobile devices, to gamification, to big data, data analytics, personalized learning, and more?

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 How does he see the overall LMS domain changing?

What would you like to ask?  The event is open to all, and has plenty of ways for participants to connect with the guest, myself, and each other.

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Please RSVP for the free (as ever) event, or just jump straight in when the session starts on Thursday, July 13th, from 2-3 pm EDT.

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6 Responses to Towards the future of the LMS: to Moodle and beyond

  1. Pingback: Join Martin Dougiamas To Discuss ‘Future Trends’ This Thursday | Moodle News

  2. Bobby Siegfried says:

    Good afternoon! I was just forwarded this post from a friend and would have VERY much liked to have participated in yesterdays session with Martin Dougiamas. Is the session going to be available for viewing at some point? Thank you!

  3. Pingback: Highlights from Future Trends Forum with our chief Moodler and Bryan Alexander -

  4. Pingback: Moodle and the next LMS: reflections and more questions | Bryan Alexander

  5. Pingback: LMS. A classic school popularity contest, revisited. – Collaaj Blog

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