Enhancing Parent Communication: Strategies for PreK-12 Private Schools

As educators, we fully appreciate that parent communication is a cornerstone of the PreK-12 private school system. When conducted effectively, communication between schools and families can profoundly influence students’ academic, social, and emotional growth. However, barriers can often impede this vital exchange, resulting in lost opportunities for collaboration and growth. In this blog post, we will explore actionable strategies that private schools can adopt to improve communication with parents.

1. Use Multiple Communication Channels

Not all parents communicate in the same way. Some prefer email, others enjoy face-to-face conversations, while others might prefer phone calls or digital platforms. Using multiple communication channels will ensure that you reach every parent in their preferred method. This may include email newsletters, SMS alerts, virtual meetings, parent portals, and social media platforms. It is also beneficial to invest in a school management system that can centralize all communication and make it easier to track.

2. Regularly Scheduled Updates

Proactive communication is always more effective than reactive. Schools can provide regular updates about students’ academic progress, attendance, and behavior through progress reports, weekly newsletters, and emails. Also, quick notes or calls to recognize and celebrate student achievements can make a significant impact on parent engagement.

3. Virtual Parent-Teacher Conferences

In the digital age, virtual meetings have become an invaluable tool for communication. They offer flexibility and convenience, enabling more parents to engage in their child’s education. Schools can use video conferencing tools like Zoom or Google Meet for parent-teacher conferences, virtual open houses, or information sessions.

4. Create a Parent Advisory Committee

A parent advisory committee can serve as an excellent medium for parent-teacher collaboration. This committee, composed of volunteer parents, can offer valuable input into school policies, promote parent volunteerism, and help facilitate communication between the school and the wider parent community.

5. Transparency and Openness

Trust is a vital ingredient in successful communication. Schools should strive for transparency by keeping parents informed about their operations, decisions, policies, and any changes to these. This may involve sharing minutes from administrative meetings, explaining the reasoning behind policy changes, and promptly informing parents about any emergency situations.

6. Effective Feedback Mechanism

Schools should establish a straightforward and anonymous feedback mechanism. This will enable parents to express their views, ideas, or concerns freely. Schools can use online surveys or suggestion boxes for this purpose, and the findings should be analyzed and addressed regularly.

7. Organize Parent Education Programs

Organizing workshops or seminars on topics like digital literacy, adolescent development, or modern teaching methodologies can help parents understand the educational environment better. This not only equips parents with knowledge but also serves as an opportunity for interaction among parents and school staff.

8. Encourage Parent Volunteerism

Involving parents in school activities not only improves communication but also strengthens the sense of community. Encourage parents to volunteer in various school activities like field trips, cultural events, reading sessions, or as guest speakers.

9. Teacher Training

Schools can invest in professional development for teachers to enhance their communication skills. Teachers can learn strategies for effectively communicating with diverse families, resolving conflicts, and creating an open and welcoming environment.


In essence, improving parent communication in private schools is about fostering a collaborative partnership. It’s about understanding that parents are not just receivers of information, but active participants in their children’s education. By embracing transparency, leveraging technology, and encouraging active participation, private schools can build strong bonds with parents, enhance student learning, and create thriving school communities. Remember, when schools and families work together, students are the winners.