Converting HEIC to JPEG on iOS: A Step-by-Step Guide

What is HEIC?

HEIC is a type of file format used for storing photos and images. It was created by a group known for working on video and audio standards. The High Efficiency part of its name means that it’s good at reducing the file size of photos without losing much quality.

Why Convert HEIC to JPEG?

Converting HEIC to JPEG is often done for a few simple reasons:

Compatibility: JPEG is a more widely accepted format. Many devices, websites, and software can open JPEG images, but might not be able to handle HEIC files.

Easy Sharing: Since JPEGs are more universally accepted, converting HEIC files to JPEGs makes it easier to share photos with others, especially if they don’t have devices that support HEIC.

Editing and Printing: Some photo editing software and printers work better with JPEGs. Converting to JPEG ensures fewer issues when editing or printing photos.

Converting HEIC to JPEG mainly helps with making sure the images can be easily used and shared with others, regardless of what device or software they have.

Converting HEIC to JPEG Directly on Your iPhone or iPad

  • Open the settings app and select camera
  • Tap formats change to most compatible

(This will save new photos as JPEG instead of HEIC)

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