Don’t Just Put Amazing Work On The Classroom Wall, Share It Online. is a fantastic website / App by Microsoft, in which interactive presentations / videos can be created. It is the perfect tool to collate scans/photos of students’ work and display them on the World Wide Web!

Take a look at my video tutorial for how to use Sway:

Our topics this term are Pop Art and World War 2 so we combined them by re-creating famous Roy Lichtenstein pieces and changing the words to war quotes.

Displaying art online

Have a look at the ‘Sway’ I created to showcase my pupil’s work (names have been changed): .

You can also get a code which allows you to embed the Sway into a website (just click the share button then ‘Get Embed Code’ – after paste the code where you want it).

It is great to share the excellent work on the school’s website, social media, class blog or classroom management tools such as Google Classroom.  My school shared it on the class blog and their Facebook Page.  Parents really like to see what their children are doing at school and what better way than sharing it online.  Children feel proud that they have an audience for their work.  One of my students commented,

“It makes me happy that people can see my work.”

Let me know how you get on with Sway by commenting below (some examples would be great too).

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