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Educators: Join the Growing ST Math Community

It’s time to journey back into the classroom for many of our teachers and students across the country. In addition to making sure you’re up to speed on what’s new in ST Math, following our social media channels helps you support your students in getting the most out of ST Math.

Did you know there are over 53,000 educators using ST Math? Our online community is constantly growing to reflect that!

Technology gives us the tools to connect, share and expand our knowledge. I love seeing how educators are utilizing ST Math in the classroom and what they see students learning from the program, like in this tweet:

Browse our Twitter channel to see students using ST Math all over the country.

New this school year, I am super excited to announce a new place to connect with ST Math educators across the country: a Facebook group.


The ST Math Community group on Facebook is a place for teachers and other educators to connect with each other and engage more deeply with ST Math content. It is also a community where you are free to ask questions pertaining to math education, share your own ST Math ideas, and expand your personal learning network!

It's a closed group, so click the join button and answer the two short questions and we’ll add you to the group right away. Plus, if you join before the end of September, you can enter to win some JiJi swag.

In addition, professional development opportunities, and our other social channels, it’s one more way you can continue to learn while sharing your expertise and giving feedback.

Connect with us and other educators on:

More resources for educators:

Thank you for joining us on our mission to ensure all students are mathematically equipped to solve the world’s biggest challenges and have an amazing school year!

Calli Wright

About the Author

Calli Wright was the Marketing Manager at MIND Research Institute. She loves playing and designing board games, which she often talks about on twitter @CalliWrights.


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