Jun 18 2021
Digital Workspace

ISTELive 21: Education IT Thought Leaders Look to the Future

The International Society for Technology in Education’s second annual virtual conference will focus on moving beyond pandemic challenges and using technology to redefine learning.

As the International Society for Technology in Education prepares for its second annual virtual conference, attendees can join ISTELive 21 from the comfort of their couches.

The conference, which kicks off on June 26, looks to the future of education with a theme of redefining the learning landscape. Aimed at supporting a return to the classroom in the fall, many of the presentations explore how to innovate with the tools and knowledge gained during the past year and a half of online learning.

The five-day event is packed with sessions and activities, such as a leadership exchange with featured speakers including Ken Shelton and Adam Phyall.

DISCOVER: Find out which K–12 IT leaders made this year’s influencer list.

Topics will explore how educators can provide opportunities for connection to students during remote learning, how to facilitate learning recovery and solve learning and equity gaps, and how to connect technology to classroom pedagogy to prepare for the future of work.

Conference attendees should pay close attention to the icons next to each session on the online schedule. Presentations are broken into categories that clue you in on what to expect. There are lectures and panels, playgrounds, interactive lectures and more.

For those feeling overwhelmed by the options, ISTE has curated lists of recommended sessions by topic. Social emotional learning, a concept that has found a great deal of traction in K–12 circles since the start of the pandemic last March, is a popular topic attendees can browse further. There are also recommended sessions for those interested in artificial intelligence and computer science, as well as sessions on digital equity, professional development and digital citizenship.

As an all-digital experience, ISTELive 21 can be accessed at the pace that’s right for you, and content will be available in an on-demand library following the event. Keep up with EdTech: Focus on K–12’s coverage on our ISTELive page and via Twitter with the hashtag #ISTELive.


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