My Article For Teachwire: Focus Your Teaching On The Important Stuff By ‘Flipping’ Your Classroom.

I recently wrote an article for Teachwire , an excellent educational website (the online version of the magazine ‘Teach Primary’), about simple ways to ‘flip’ your classroom.Teachwire Article

Teachwire Article On Flipping Your Classroom

Click here for the full article.

Have you ever ‘flipped’ your classroom?  Let me know by commenting below.


  1. Great ideas simply put…I know they work because I try them all the time. In a hands on subject like art, we save time and improve productivity and comprehension. One example is when I asked my year 9 students to get a sample of what they thought was a good design. They could get a product, a logo or packaging… even a picture of a hoarding or dress. This made the discussion on art vs design fun and easier to introduce elements and principles of Design to them.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. You are inspiring. Great job. Thank you very much for share us your experiences and research. Very useful and interesting.


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