How tech encouraged creativity in one of my students.

Our class topic was ‘Coasts’ and the students certainly enjoyed learning all about their features.

I was really pleased when a student, in his own time, used an online game to further his knowledge and creative skills.

At home, he used the game ‘The Sandbox‘ to make his own coastlines, complete with different features he had learnt about.  This game has so many opportunities for learning:

The Sandbox, which literally takes place in a sandbox, is a unique game based entirely on the laws of physics and giving access to over 230 different elements. The player takes the role of “Deity apprentice” and sets about crafting his or her own universe through the exploration of resources such as water, soil, lightning, lava, sand, glass, and many more.

Here is an example of my student’s work:

Using creation games in lessons

How else could the game be used in the classroom?

  • Creating replicas of historical settings.
  • Making an electrical circuit.
  • Exploring elements and how they react together.
  • A descriptive writing prompt.
  • Art – drawing or painting in pixel format.

Have you used ‘The Sandbox’?  What did you think?  Please comment below.

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