Codemoji – Changing the Classroom Coding Landscape

First and foremost:  What is Codemoji?

Codemoji demystifies coding and gives students hands-on experience building web pages, animations and much more.  The “emoji” part of Codemoji is exactly that, a set of emojis that function and work like real HTML, CSS and JavaScript tags.  Emojis are added together to build a website, and this gets the students really engaged.

Codemoji - coding with emojis

The theory behind Codemoji and why it works so well 

The Codemoji framework is the key to the pupil’s success. Codemoji uses a 4 step system. Step 1 is to engage the students. Step 2 is to get the students coding at an early age, then step  3 is mastery.  Mastery is achieved by creating customised lesson plans for each student, based on the concepts they were struggling with. Step 4 is that data is provided to the educators, to help them make informed decisions regarding their students.

Codemoji uses emojis as the early building blocks for the children to promote enjoyable learning; once the students are excited and engaged, they take in a high level of understanding of programming language.

Once a student proceeds through all the beginner lessons they will move onto more advanced lessons that then explain the syntax in more depth, but which are still simple enough and involve very little typing, so even young students can code with ease.

Code with Codemoji in the classroom

The theory is that if the students are quickly able to create something powerful and cool, they then want to keep processing  through courses.

How Can Teachers Use Codemoji?

The Codemoji teacher dashboard makes it easy for teachers to get started with three different ways to sign students up.  We give the teacher stats on each student and their progress though the courses.  Codemoji could also be used as a ‘free time’ website that students can go to as a reward.

The teacher dashboard manages classes, tracks student progress, and assessments in a variety of ways.

To conclude Codemoji is on a mission to teach millions of students how to code and get students excited about learning.

Author bio: Livio Bolzon is from Chicago and is an educational entrepreneur and co-founder of 

If you would like more information, please contact

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