The Curiosity Challenge… full STEAM ahead!

My school is encouraging inquisitive learners and has taken on a project inspired by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT.  It has huge links with our new STEAM curriculum and will guide the students through this new approach.

The project is called the ‘Curiosity Challenge’.  Have a look at what it entails in the video below:

How did it go?

My year 6 team decided to link it to our topic: World War 2.  Firstly the children were given a stimulus to kick-off the project.  We chose an air-raid siren sound effect:

Lots of questions were thought of  by the children and the depth of thinking really impressed me.

Project-based learning followed in which the children went deeper into an area or question that interested them. The children were free to be as creative as they wanted to be.  Here are a range of ideas that my class thought to do:

  • War themed art work
  • Coding of war scenarios
  • Video diaries of a war child
  • Radio shows
  • War poetry.

The outcomes were great – the children were really inspired.  As an example of part of a project, here’s a stop-motion animation (using this app) made by a pupil interested in whether Hitler ever personally harmed or killed anyone:

Have a go at the Curiosity Challenge in your school!  Let me know how you and the pupils get on 🙂


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