Hi, thank you for collaborating with us in our goal to make the world a smarter place! This is all a part of Brainscape’s new initiative: Get Smarter, which distills down everything you wished you’d learned in school and life into a collection of smart, adaptive flashcards. And we want YOU to be a part of it!

What we need from you is to provide in-depth feedback on the flashcards, which will put your general knowledge to the mettle. Everyone selected will initially be asked to review a number of flashcards for two to three hours, with the possibility of more.

We also want everyone to receive the chance to win a financial contribution toward their work. Every great edit suggestion counts as a ‘raffle ticket’ towards the prizes of $250, $150, and $100.

We are looking for people who are detail-oriented, have broad knowledge across a range of subjects, and are enthusiastic about expanding their knowledge and helping others do the same.

If this sounds like you, please fill out the form below! We'll then send you an email with more details.