Three Wishes for G Suite (for Education)

As I sit here at Google getting an update on their awesome Google for Education tools, I have a few features on my wish list:

  1. Auto Play Embedded Videos in Google Slides – I don’t think I need to explain this one.
  2. YouTube Red for Education – AdFree Youtube, duh!
  3. Create a real Groups platform – We need a robust Group Collaboration platform, think hybrid Sites & Groups. Or better yet, make Google+ more usable for group/enterprise collaboration with support for under 13 year olds and walled garden collaboration in school.

And for a personal one: Please solve the email black hole when it comes to project and task management. Bring the power of the big blue Share button to gmail – Sharable Gmail Labels or a way to send Email to a Google Doc to be shared as an action item.

What would you wish for?