How Community Input Enables Users to Help Build Learning and Employment Records – Digital Promise

How Community Input Enables Users to Help Build Learning and Employment Records

August 2, 2023 | By and

Co-Designing for Equity: Elevating Voices with LER Onboarding

The emergence of technologies such as Learning and Employment Records (LERs) has piqued the interest of organizations serving learners and workers that aim to provide pathways to economic mobility. Similarly, historically and systematically excluded (HSE) learners and workers who are navigating in and out of education and workforce ecosystems need a way to get recognition for their skills. With our co-design groups, we intentionally focused on onboarding because this phase is crucial in laying the foundation for successful adoption and usage of new technology. Proper onboarding ensures that users understand the functionalities of the technology, can navigate its features effectively, and are motivated to embrace its use. Digital Promise is interested in ensuring that the technologies, and their partner organizations, are designing onramps for HSE learners and workers to get the most out of their tools. We explored the onboarding process of several LER technologies alongside HSE learners and workers to map their journey.

Digital Promise connected with 100 individuals from various workforce fields who expressed interest in participating in these co-design sessions. Of those individuals, 46 participants attended in-person co-design sessions hosted in Denver, Colorado, and Little Rock, Arkansas, allowing users to have a hands-on exploration into two LER platforms: SmartResume and LearnCard. Participants utilized storyboards to tell the story of their journey as they engaged with the tools, the potential connections to their hopes and aspirations, and the challenges and barriers navigating the tool, and what it might look like to share it beyond the session.

These co-design sessions are only the first step in the LER onboarding process that will lay the foundation for a more inclusive onboarding experience for historically and systematically excluded learners and workers. As participants’ stories, insights, and perspectives are integrated into the full report, the forthcoming August 2023 release will shed light on the transformative potential of incorporating LER technologies with equity in mind.

As vendors look to expand the impact of their tools, it is important to honor user intersectionality, ensure users have ownership of their data, and prioritize designing for intergenerational adoption when onboarding the technologies. For more information, or to get involved, please contact

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