Conference Notes: Mid-Atlantic Conference on #PersonalizedLearning #macpl19 #caolacon19

I am wrapping up my first experience at the Mid-Atlantic Conference on Personalized Learning. There was lots of good learning and conversations! I wanted to share some of my notes from the past couple days and also a bit about the panel presentation I was able to present.

Panel Presentation: How to Design Impactful Digital Learning Experiences for Students

Session Summary: Students learn through experiences. Yet, our approach to digital learning has largely been focused on delivering content and not on designing holistic experiences that engage students to help them fulfill their learning objectives. This is the emerging science and art of Learning Experience Design (LXD) that has already reshaped the worlds of corporate learning and higher education and is beginning to impact how we think about reaching the most important end users in K-12 education: our students. The panel will include experts from the classroom, central office and a learning company who will discuss their approaches for designing highly impactful digital learning experiences for students.

Check out my video, which highlights many of the same themes I talked on during the panel — Empathy in EdTech: How We Are Transforming Learning at Bullis

If you’re interested in checking out my notes, I’ve compiled them here: 2019 Mid-Atlantic Conference on Personalized Learning

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