

The Scoop on Deeper Learning and Mathematics: Back-to-School

Many of our partners are heading back to school this month! Check out what MIND colleagues and friends recommend you read before hopping on the school bus.


Back to School


Deeper Learning

  • We know it's important to get things wrong, but this article reminds us it's also important to give students exposure to the experiences and information that will enable them to reason toward the right answer.
  • Critical thinking is an important skill to solve future problems. Here's 5 ways digital learning can foster critical thinking skills.
  • Sir Ken Robinson shares some advice on how to create a culture for learning that will add value, starting with eliminating the conformist and compliance system in place at schools.
  • If Robert's future matched what typical students of his background achieve, he would only have a one-in-ten chance of earning a college degree. Student Agency: The Equity Challenge of Our Day advocates that educational equity is absolutely achievable with hard work toward transformation.



  • This new paper from the Institute for Education Sciences lists concrete methods for math teaching based on a decade of research.
  • How would you teach statistics to second graders? New standards ask educators to do just that, and technology can help students gather data and create line plots in a fraction of the time compared to traditional statistics activities.
  • Keith Devlin shares his perspective on this new film by Magnolia Pictures. It sounds more like a thriller film than a documentary: Mathematics and the End of Days
  • On a more positive note, what does your brain look like when it's solving a math problem? A professor at Carnegie Mellon University shows us how he used imaging to categorize the four stages of math problem-solving.


For those heading into the classroom, have a great start to the new school year!

Do you have an interesting article, video or news to share? Tweet it to us @MIND_Research or email us and we may feature it next month!

Calli Wright

About the Author

Calli Wright was the Marketing Manager at MIND Research Institute. She loves playing and designing board games, which she often talks about on twitter @CalliWrights.


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