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5 Ways GoConqr Can Help Improve Your Study Strategy in 2017

Everybody knows that success takes a lot of hard work, but it also takes lots of commitment and planning too. When it comes to learning, we know that staying focused can be tough -but don’t worry, because we’ve put together 5 ways GoConqr can help you make the most of your time, improve your study strategy in 2017 and make sure your hard work pays off!


How can you improve your study strategy in 2017 with GoConqr?

In case you may have missed it, we’ve rebuilt GoConqr profiles to make them clearer, more appealing and better overall. Your levels and interests are now displayed publicly so you can more easily connect with other like-minded students.

1. Update Your Profile

The main advantage of keeping your profile up to date is the awesome resources you’ll receive. Our learning algorithm will use your profile information to provide you with the most relevant resources from our huge digital library, which will be an invaluable help for the new academic year. This means that as you go from one exam level to the next (or even from second-level education to third level), GoConqr will evolve with you, enabling you to improve your study strategy in 2017.

Update Your Profile

2. Create a Study Planner

Planning is the first step towards success. GoConqr’s Study Planner is one of the most helpful – yet underused – tools for students. For the best results we’d recommend that you start using it regularly so you can improve your study strategy in 2017 and get the most from your time. You’ll thank us when the exams come round!

Create Your Study Planner

3. Get the App

As you’ll soon realize (if you haven’t already), studying doesn’t have fixed schedules. Inspiration might strike you anywhere so you need to be prepared. To help you do this, we’ve made HUGE improvements to our mobile apps to allow you to experience a truly collaborative learning experience that you can take with you no matter where you go!

Get the Apps free for improve your study strategy in 2017!

4. Join or Create a Study Group

For many students, joining a study group helps to keep them focused, sharp and motivated to achieve total study success. Other students prefer to work alone without making commitments outside of class-time. Our Study Groups let you do both as you join groups on just about any subject you can think of and interact how and when you want. Ask questions, get advice, make suggestions, discuss topics with friends (or strangers!) – it’s totally up to you! You can also create groups of your own, so you choose how to improve study strategy in 2017 and you’d like to focus on and who you’d like to invite and join.

Discover Groups Now

5. Create your own Resources

Every learner is different. What works for one student might not work for another. That’s why GoConqr gives you a full suite of tools to choose to improve your study strategy in 2017. From Mind Maps to Slides, from Flashcards to Quizzes and more besides. If you really want to get active with your learning, understand lessons better and remember important information more easily, then creating amazing study resources of your own is the way to go!

Get Creative Now!