The Future of Business Cards

Introduction image of the Sustainable Business Card made specifically for Dr. Doak

If you have been following my blog, you know that I am into gadgets and how they can be used to improve not only educational environments, but also our lives. Another area of concern which has become, rightfully a hot topic, is how technology can be used to help the environment. Climate change is on many people’s minds. This is evidenced by a quick scroll through a social media platform where you will find a plethora of posts about how such and such technology can help with this or that climate change issue. In this post, I wanted to introduce what I believe to be one of these technologies that will help reduce waste. This technology will also, change the way people share their contact information in face to face environments.

I have a few questions to ask before I introduce the new technology that will change this industry for the better.

  1. How do you currently share your contact information with people in a face to face environment?
  2. How likely is that business card likely to end up in someone’s wallet, bag and or ultimately the trash?
  3. Would you like a method that would ensure that your contact information was securely stored in the contacts app on the smartphone of the potential client before you even left their side?

I am sure that most people use business cards in a face to face environment to share their contact information with others. The problem I see with this method is that there is a good chance that your business card will end up in their wallet or bag and possibly the trash. The likelihood that your information will be put into their smartphone contacts is very low. It doesn’t really make a lot of sense if the purpose of the business card is to get the potential client to save your information and contact you. Another issue is if the card gets tossed, it ends up in our landfill adding to the mass amount of rubbish we already send to the dump.

I have come across what the creators of this new sustainable business card are calling the “The last business card you will ever buy.” I truly believe this is the future of the business card. What the folks at have done is create a single business card that you carry with you just like the old business cards, however, you only need the one. You no longer need to carry a bunch of cards ready to hand out. What makes this card different is that it will guarantee that the prospective client will leave with your information securely stored in their smartphone.

To do this it makes use of several different innovations. The first is the QR Code. I have written about the QR Codes in the past so I will not discuss this innovation in detail. What this technology does in relation to your business card is it enables a smartphone camera to scan it and transfer your contact information from the card to the contacts app on that phone. In this way, you are guaranteed that before the potential client leaves they have your information stored in their phone.

The second innovation used in this future-facing business card in Near Field Communication also known as NFC. According to Wikipedia “Near-field communication (NFC) is a set of communication protocols that enable two electronic devices to establish communication by bringing them within 4 cm (1​1⁄2 in) of each other.” This is the same technology that makes payment systems like Google Pay and Apple Pay work. According to the folks at Our sustainable business cards are “Embedded with Near Field Communication (NFC) Technology, the Sustainable Business Card will send your contact information directly into the device you tap. A quick tap to “Add to Contacts” and you are instantly added to the phone’s contacts.” Here is a quick video show just how these two innovations work to transfer your contact information directly to the smartphone of your potential client.

What makes this company great is that the cards made are unique to your business. The companies graphic designer works with you to design a card that matches your brand. If you are not certain about all of this and want to know more, check out their FAQ.

Your card matches your brand!

In fact, these cards have many benefits.

  • Instantly transfer your contact details to compatible Smartphones.
  • No Network or data connection required.
  • No special apps required.
  • Branded for your business
  • Secure

I am so excited about this new innovation because it will help me fulfill the purpose of my business card and I won’t be unnecessarily contributing to the landfill. I ordered my Sustainable Business Cards from the folks at and I highly recommend you do too! Be a part of the future of business cards and order “the last business card you will ever buy” today!

Thanks for Reading

Dr. Shannon H. Doak

Just so you know, I was a part of the pilot group of users for this awesome business card and was compensated only with a free set of cards. I have written this post because I love the product and truly think it can change the way we use business and name cards for the better.

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