

Can Professional Learning Improve Your ST Math Implementation?

When it comes to maximizing your ST Math implementation, providing your educators with added support from ST Math’s professional learning (PL) team can give your school or district greater learning outcomes. In fact, a national evaluation of schools leveraging ST Math’s professional learning saw a 30.29% increase in average weekly minutes per student and a 21.38% increase in average weekly puzzles per student compared to schools that didn't receive ST Math PL. 

With the help of a dedicated ST Math trainer, our PL curriculum will take your teachers from getting started, through using data to get the best results, to how to support positive habits of mind during ST Math time and beyond. If you're curious about investing in PL for your school or district, here are a few compelling reasons you should consider scheduling a professional learning session with your staff today!

Learn From the ST Math Experts

Each PL session is delivered by an experienced ST Math team member. Because many of them are former math teachers and school administrators, they understand your team’s needs and the challenges you might encounter when first using ST Math. Also, seasoned ST Math facilitators can help you expand your program knowledge by offering research insights and tips from product specialists and instructional design gurus. 

I love the brain research and engagement strategies embedded into the training. It gave me great ideas to take back to my classroom and start using immediately.

- 3rd grade teacher, Ohio

Dive into Spatial-Temporal (ST) Reasoning

The "ST" in ST Math stands for spatial-temporal reasoning which involves transforming, relating, and comparing physical and mental images in space and time. For example, the Foundations of ST Math (PL100) session will take you through the various dimensions of our pedagogy, showing you the logic behind our grade-level games and how to apply this neuroscience-based theory and practice in your classroom. You'll even have the chance to go through sample games and learn how to facilitate student thinking. 

Teacher helps girl in glasses

Master the Tech 

ST Math has robust reporting capabilities that help personalize instruction at the student or class level. In Monitoring & Supporting Students in ST Math (PL102), teachers will learn how to interpret ST Math data and design an action plan to get struggling students back on track. They’ll also discover how to facilitate student learning by asking the right questions that will guide students' thinking throughout each challenge. In addition, the ST Math design team consistently adds and updates product features to enhance the learning experience. Attending this session will keep you up-to-date on the latest program developments to ensure you're getting the most out of your ST Math data. 

The training was very engaging. Great job! I felt like you reaffirmed much of what I already believed about math learning for students, plus showed me some practical ways to tap into that and leverage it with students.

- 2nd grade teacher, Washington

Receive Customized Support

Our professional learning offerings include targeted ST Math implementation support great for professional learning communities, math teams, and instructional coaches. The consulting sessions are customized to address areas of need identified by educators or administration in a brief survey participants fill out before the sessions begin. These flexible options were made to support, strengthen, and amplify your implementation, and can be found in our Customized ST Math Support (PL101) course.

Become an ST Math Leader

The information delivered in any ST Math PL session will help to transform you into your school's go-to ST Math expert. The strategies and tips will make you more efficient in using ST Math, but you'll also be able to share what you've learned with your colleagues and administrators to improve sitewide implementation. 


Connect With Other ST Math Teachers

ST Math supports over 1.75 million students at 8,727 schools across the nation. Our teacher community is one of the best resources to exchange stories and ideas about the practical application of ST Math at the classroom level. By taking an ST Math PL course, you’ll feel more empowered to collaborate with your own colleagues and be connected to our larger community as well. We encourage you to connect on social media to see how educators use their creativity to promote JiJi culture and motivate their students. 

You can see a full list of available courses in our ST Math Professional Learning Catalog. Click on any session name for more detailed information.

Ready to bring the dynamic power of ST Math’s Professional Learning to your school or district? Reach out to your Education Success Manager, fill out this form, or email support@mindresearch.org today!

Parker Erickson

About the Author

Parker Erickson was MIND’s Content and Community Specialist. As a digital storyteller, Parker is passionate about building strong communities through technology and social media. Off the clock, you can find him buried in the latest issue of The New Yorker or experiencing different cultures through food.


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