Mar 02 2015

Generation Z Is Growing and Learning with Mobile Devices [#Infographic]

A new infographic from itslearning provides a few statistics on the impact of mobile devices on K-12 education.

The proliferation of mobile devices has made an impact on the learning process, particularly among young students.

Those born after the millennial generation are considered Generation Z — children born into a world where mobile devices like smartphones and tablets have always been connected to the Internet, providing answers to almost any question with a few keystrokes and swipes. So it's no surprise that a 2014 NPD Group survey revealed that children aged 4 to 14 use smartphones and tablets more than any other device.

So how can educators adjust their instruction methods to meet these new styles of learning? Some are embracing blended learning initiatives, like the one promoted by the Rhode Island Department of Education, which combines online education with face-to-face instruction.

A new infographic from ItsLearning, a digital learning platform, provides a few statistics on the growth of mobile devices in education:


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