Chrome Can: Sticky Notes on Your Chromebook Desktop

Many people love that cool app on the Mac that enables you to create little sticky notes on their desktop. While I actually like Google Keep and Google Tasks better since they are now integrated into all Google Apps, others might want the sticky note type of app.

When I searched there were a ton of note apps on the Chrome Web Store but it appeared that there was nothing that enabled sticky notes on the desktop. I began my search for an app that does this because of a post in a Chromebook community where one of the users was looking for an app like the Mac OS Sticky Notes.

What I found is what the app developers have called, “The first, truly sticky app for notes on your desktop!” What makes this app so cool is that it is easy to manage and customize. It also now supports speech recognition!

This app is rightly called Sticky Notes and does exactly as advertised.

Sticky Notes running on a Chromebook

This application has so many useful features. I have included a gallery of screenshots from their features list at the end of this post. If you want more color choices you can purchase the colors you want or you can purchase a whole swath of colors.

The applications of this little bit of software in the classroom are mainly for helping students and teachers stay organized. They can create lists of things that need to be done, have a sticky for reminders, one for homework or as a way to keep links to look at. It can be used anyway the user deems best.

This app makes the Chromebook more like other computers as it mimics the capabilities of the other apps on various systems. With over 900,000 users and a 4 star rating on the web store, it is worth a try!

Thanks for reading

Dr. Shannon H. Doak

Gallery of features list

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