Buncee and Immersive Reader: A Winning Combination for Assistive Learning

Buncee and Immersive Reader

We love hearing about the different ways educators use Buncee in their classroom, and what features they and their students are excited about! Recently, we were honored when Rachelle Dene Poth shared her thoughts about Buncee and Immersive Reader on Eric Sheninger’s blog A Principal’s Reflections: Reflections on teaching, learning, and leadership. In it, Rachelle speaks to the power of Buncee and Immersive reader, and how it helps to engage and empower all types of learners. Click the button below to read the blog post for yourself!

Read Rachelle’s blog post here!

What do you and your students love about Buncee? Please let us know by reaching out to us on Twitter and tagging @Buncee.


About Rachelle

Rachelle Dene Poth is a Spanish and STEAM teacher at Riverview High School in Pittsburgh, PA. She is also an attorney and has a Master’s in Instructional Technology. She is the President for the ISTE Teacher Education Network and Communications Chair for the Mobile Learning Network. In 2017, she was selected for Outstanding Teacher of the Year by PAECT and by NSBA as one of “20 to watch” educators.

In addition, Rachelle is a Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert, a Google Certified Educator Level II, a Nearpod PioNear, Ambassador for Buncee. She is an author and has written chapters in of “Snapshot in Education 2016” and 2017, on Project Based Learning and Blended Learning. Rachelle also wrote Chapter 6 of the book “Gamify Literacy” from ISTE as well as a chapter in the book “Stories in EDU.” Currently, Rachelle is writing three books on education and technology that will be published in early 2019. Connect with her on Twitter at @Rdene915


About Eric

Special thanks to Eric Sheninger for sharing this amazing post!

Eric Sheninger is a Senior Fellow and Thought Leader on Digital Leadership with the International Center for Leadership in Education (ICLE). Prior to this, he was the award-winning Principal at New Milford High School. Under his leadership, his school became a globally recognized model for innovative practices. Eric oversaw the successful implementation of several sustainable change initiatives that radically transformed the learning culture at his school while increasing achievement. 

His work focuses on leading and learning in the digital age as a model for moving schools and districts forward. This has led to the formation of the Pillars of Digital Leadership, a framework for all educators to initiate sustainable change to transform school cultures. As a result, Eric has emerged as an innovative leader, best selling author, and sought after speaker. His main focus is using research and evidence-based practices to empower learners, improve communications with stakeholders, enhance public relations, create a positive brand presence, discover opportunity, transform learning spaces, and help educators grow professionally in the digital age. You can learn more about Eric Sheninger at his website.

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