5 Useful Accelerated Learning Techniques.

Learning something new can be both exciting and excruciating. The excitement with which we begin something dwindles over a period of time, making the task at hand seem unachievable.

Be it learning a new language or a new craft, acquiring new skills need not always be a complicated affair. Proper approach coupled with the right attitude can help you cross hurdles with much ease.

Of all different available approaches today, accelerated learning techniques are gaining much popularity among learners of all ages. Such techniques largely contribute towards making learning a productive process.

So what is accelerated learning all about? Simply put, it combines different learning methods that help make learning faster and more effective.

In order to learn more in less time, here are a few techniques that can come in handy:

1) Chunking

Chunking is a psychological technique that involves breaking down long-form information into little chunks to aid short-term memory. Chunking facilitates better comprehension by means of information grouping.

For instance, grouping phone numbers into smaller manageable chunks can help us remember and retrieve the information in a much efficient manner. 518-555-0148 is easier to remember than 5-1-8-5-5-5-0-1-4-8.  

Keeping the benefits of chunking in mind, developers have designed cool tools like Memory Trainer that make learning super fun!

2) Multisensory Learning

Based on information intake, learning can be divided into different categories:

Visual: Learning through seeing (pictures, images, and spatial understanding).
Aural: Learning through hearing (sound and music).
Verbal: Learning through saying (writing and speech).
Physical: Learning through doing (using body and sense of touch).

Depending on learning styles, learners are often classified into one of the above categories. That said, it’s important to remember that such classifications are made for the sake of clarity and there is no implication that one type of learner can’t use the other styles of learning. Since each style uses different parts of the brain, combining all these styles can lead to optimal learning – a fact that is well demonstrated by apps like MathTracks. And since accelerated learning is all about efficient learning, multi-sensory learning is one of the best ways to boost one’s learning ability.

3) Mind Mapping

Mind mapping is defined as a visual representation of hierarchical information (that includes a central idea surrounded by connected branches of associated topics).

Although mind mapping is an age old concept, it was made popular not too long ago by Tony Buzan. Like chunking, mind mapping helps organize information in a manner which is easy to remember. In addition, mind mapping helps establish a correlation between two or more things by sorting the given information into groups and subgroups. Coggle offers a great mind mapping experience to its users with its amazing hands-on approach. Since this technique involves classifying information into a visual representation, visual learners stand to benefit a great deal by it.

Here is a mind map sample:


Image courtesy: Learning Fundamentals

4) Using Memory Aids

The process that involves committing something to one’s memory is a rather complicated process. Following is a visual representation of the memory process:

memory process

Image courtesy: LD Online

When such is the case, one has to constantly seek out newer ways to make learning interesting to be able to remember and retrieve information in the long run. Using memory aids like mnemonics (here’s a great mnemonic example on Cram) can slay monotony and help make learning not just fun and interesting, but also a productive process.

5) Relaxing

Learning can seem tedious especially when attention waxes and wanes and when it does, it could be a sign of exhaustion. Wanting to learn too much in too little time can cause extreme stress, which in turn can lead to reduced attention. Other factors like sleep deprivation and anxiety can also affect the ability to focus on learning goals.

At such times, it’s necessary to take sufficient breaks to relax in order to rejuvenate the mind. There are several easy relaxation techniques – ranging from something simple like taking power naps to something more elaborate like meditating –  that can revitalize body, mind, and soul.

While the above techniques can help ease the difficulty associated with learning, it is crucial to remember to practice these techniques consistently to accelerate the learning process.

Author Bio: Sophia is an online ESL/EFL instructor and a passionate educator. She found her true calling — teaching — while she was juggling writing and a 9-5 desk job. When Sophia is not busy earning a living, she volunteers as a social worker. Her active online presence demonstrates her strong belief in the power of networking. If you want to connect with her, you can find her on facebook, twitter, and her personal blog Essay Writing and More.


  1. I think total bubble focus is critical when we come to accelerated learning…. Than you so much for the info I will try chunk right now!


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