Getting More Out of Google Forms with autoCrat

Most users utilize Google Forms for tasks such as surveys, data collection, assessments, contact forms, etc. all of which are great uses but are limiting you. Using Google Sheet add-ons you provide efficient and effective opportunities for the information you collect. 

Noteworthy add-ons

  • autoCrat– mail merge, easily shares out to whomever via Drive or Email.
  • Flubaroo– easy way to grade assessments
  • Doctopus– creates shared folders and creates files to share with your students.
  • Copy Folder easily copy folders and it’s contents. 
  • formMule– workflow allowing for automation to do almost anything.
  • I can go on and on….. check out the add-on gallery
For this post I wanted to share a video demo on using autoCrat to create Docs from a Google Form submission. A lot of the time, when we use Google Forms we want the data to collected in a tactile way (doc, pdf). 
Here are some examples why you would want to use autoCrat
  • School Forms
  • Registration Forms
  • Displaying answers from online assessments (especially written responses)
  • AUPs
  • Office Discipline Referrals
  • Collecting survey data and emailing a CPDU
  • Mail-merge anything