Talking Data Interoperability with the League of Innovative Schools – Digital Promise

Talking Data Interoperability with the League of Innovative Schools

June 28, 2018 | By

Data interoperability has been identified as an area of primary concern for leaders across the Digital Promise League of Innovative Schools – in districts small and large, rural and urban, and everywhere in between.

David Miyashiro and Jonathon Guertin of Cajon Valley Union School District, two leaders heavily featured in our recent case study that dug into the pain points in advancing data interoperability in districts across the country, hosted our most recent #DPLIS Twitter chat on this very topic.

Participants began by talking about their definition of data interoperability in their context.

They then spoke to the challenges they were addressing in their districts in advancing single sign-on.

Under all of this data undeniably lies a people challenge.

And, security of data transfer is paramount to any conversation on data.

Participants discussed what ideal data visualization would look like.

Before departing, #DPLIS chat participants shared lessons learned to take away.

The monthly #DPLIS Twitter chat will return in August. If you want to learn more about data interoperability, visit our case study.

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