

Creating the Next Generation of Math Superheroes

Last week, over one hundred education administrators and educators joined us for the Deeper Learning Symposium in Irvine, Calif. In addition to sharing information from some amazing leaders in education, we dove deep into immersive, hands-on experiences that challenge our current notion of what innovative learning looks like.

At MIND Research Institute, we want to change the current models of learning math to provide students with opportunities to experience deeper learning. 

We started the symposium by inviting attendees to attend math class through the eyes of a student. By illuminating the juxaposition between the curriculum status quo and instructional innovation, attendees experienced what math class could and should be for their students.

Dr. Matthew Peterson shared how brain research has the potential to move educators closer than ever before to teaching math the way the brain actually learns. Attendees then applied this understanding to a variety of innovative activities, ideas and environments...all with the potential to be replicated in their own schools.

Some inspiring leaders in education presented at the symposium, sharing how they are incorporating these new models of learning math and providing students with opportunities to experience deeper learning. 

Even the dinner incorporated math!

The symposium culminated in an expert panel to continue the conversation on exactly how collaboration, innovation and perseverance will solve our math education crisis.

Thank you to everyone who attended the Deeper Learning Symposium. Check out the Symposium Resources for presentation slides, downloadable handouts and additional resources!

Resources to Empower Your Math Superheroes

Calli Wright

About the Author

Calli Wright was the Marketing Manager at MIND Research Institute. She loves playing and designing board games, which she often talks about on twitter @CalliWrights.


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