

What's New in ST Math for the 2020-2021 School Year

In January, MIND Research Institute announced the launch of an all-new version of our flagship solution, ST Math®. But that’s not all that changed! You probably noticed a change in the ST Math logo and the look of JiJi, our lovable learning guide.


Just like JiJi is the same familiar friend with an exciting new look, ST Math is still a PreK-8 visual instructional program rooted in over twenty years of neuroscience. The new version of ST Math is different too in a lot of ways.

It’s still an incredible learning tool, but for starters, it no longer runs on Flash! In addition, it has exciting new features, new graphics, new animation controls, and new assignment features to name just a few things we’re excited about.

Edie Perkins, our Senior Director of Product Management, put it best at a recent Inside Our MIND podcast episode:

We needed to move off of Flash, because Flash is going away, so it gave us the opportunity to think about: how can we look at the student experience, the teacher experience, and the administrator experience and make each of those more impactful?

Let’s take a deeper dive on what’s new with ST Math for the 2020-2021 school year and how these enhancements will help students, teachers, and administrators get even more out of the program. 

Student Experience

For students, the new ST Math is a more powerful learning experience leading to an even deeper understanding of math. This includes:

  • Streamlined navigation
  • Enhanced feedback animations
  • New animation controls
  • An annotation tool

Students are also able to see their logins, minutes, and puzzles by week, helping to improve accountability and intrinsic motivation as they continue on their ST Math journey.

For the student experience, which is the bulk of the program, we touched every single game, we analyzed every game, and we looked for ways that we could give students more of their time spent on each game actually learning.

-Edie Perkins


Teacher Experience

For teachers, the new ST Math is a new and improved set of tools to integrate the program with classroom instruction and actively support students’ learning.

This includes:

  • New objective hub
  • New assignments feature
  • Powerful reports
  • A simplified user experience
  • Student progress 

One of our goals, with the teacher experience, is to really help teachers integrate ST Math into their teaching routines.

-Edie Perkins

Administrator Experience 

For administrators, the new ST Math offers a simplified implementation process and powerful reporting to optimize usage and track tangible results.

This includes: 

  • Reporting at scale
  • Quick implementations 

An administrator could log in and have a view into the entire district. So, every school that’s using ST Math, that administrator can drill down and look at the data from the school level, to the grade level, to the class level, to the student level.

-Edie Perkins


What are people saying about the new ST Math?

Tell me more!

Are you interested in taking a deeper dive into what’s new with ST Math for the 2020-2021 school year? Visit our ‘What’s New’ webpage on stmath.com/whats-new to get more details on the student, teacher, and administrator experience or make sure to explore the resources below. 

To experience the all new ST Math for yourself, simply play our selection of sample games, request a demo from one of our expert representatives, or contact your Education Success Manager today! 

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Edith Esparza

About the Author

Edith Esparza is the Marketing Specialist at MIND and loves sharing her passion for learning.


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