Using #EdTech to Enhance Creative Learning, f/t in @InnovateMySchl @EDpuzzle @Flipgrid @SlackHQ

I am excited to share a post that I had a chance to write as part of Innovate My School’s Accelerating Creativity series!

I am entering into my 11th year teaching. Looking back on my journey, it is clear to me that my fascination with technology and its role in the classroom has been the most transformative element of my teaching career. Embracing new tech tools and dreaming up ways to effectively implement them in the classroom has been a truly creative outlet for me, and one that has pushed me to be innovative, thoughtful, and intentional in all that I do and create.

My journey into edtech started in 2010 when I had this “not enough time” problem in teaching AP Calculus AB. I simply did not have the time to address students’ needs as individuals, and my classroom was not the calm, inspired space I had envisioned. I began offloading my AP Calculus lectures to video in the fall of 2010. Flipping my classroom transformed the dynamic of my classroom — allowing me to make class time about student needs instead of being driven by the content that I needed to get through. By sending the teacher-directed portion of lessons home, I was able to free up class time for the real work: delving deeper into topics, discussion, and collaborative problem-solving.

Continued here…

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