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Mindset & Motivation, Podcast Articles   |   Oct 18, 2015

Thriving–not surviving-with support from a virtual mentor

By Angela Watson

Founder and Writer

Thriving–not surviving-with support from a virtual mentor

By Angela Watson

Do you wish you had more support and encouragement from other teachers in your school? Consider virtual mentorship! 

My good friend Lisa Dabbs is on the Truth for Teachers podcast today sharing why she’s so passionate about new teacher mentoring, and how you can get involved (as a mentor or mentee) in her free New Teacher Mentoring Project.

Thriving–not surviving-with support from a virtual mentor

Lisa is a wife and mom who started her career as an elementary school teacher in Southern California. She then spent 14 years as an elementary school principal. Since 2009, Lisa has supported teachers in her role as an Educational Consultant, writing books for teachers, conducting instructional coaching, presenting at conferences and online webinars, founding the #ntchat (New Teacher Chat) on Twitter, and much more.

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How to find or give support through virtual teacher mentoring

You can learn more about Lisa’s New Teacher Mentoring Project and sign up on her website.

How to join the New Teacher Chat

Lisa founded the New Teacher Chat on Twitter 5 years ago and continues to offer mentorship there every other Wednesday. If you’re a new or pre-service teacher who needs advice (or you’re an experienced teacher who wants to help), use the hashtag #ntchat on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month at 8PM EST.

How to get support from Lisa Dabbs on Teaching with Soul

You can also go to LisaDabbs.com to find her wonderful blog, Teaching with Soul, and learn how to connect with Lisa on social media.

Thriving–not surviving-with support from a virtual mentor

Truth for Teachers podcast: a weekly 10 minute talk radio show you can download and take with you wherever you go! A new episode is released each Sunday to get you energized and motivated for the week ahead.See blog posts/transcripts for all episodes

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Angela Watson

Founder and Writer

Angela is a National Board Certified educator with 11 years of teaching experience and more than a decade of experience as an instructional coach. She started this website in 2003, and now serves as Editor-in-Chief of the Truth for Teachers...
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