Enhance Your Ed-Tech Startup With a Vacation

Kevin Daum, of Inc. shares a humorous list to help identify when you need a day off.  Actually, it’s only humorous if you don’t see yourself in every single scenario mentioned, like being on a first-name basis with the late-night cleaning crew (guilty) or sharing how busy you are with others (guilty).

Most–okay ALL–entrepreneurs are incredibly busy. We are fortunate enough to be able to wholeheartedly pursue what we love, but our to-do lists are long, if not endless. Unless we are firing on all cylinders, we can actually hinder the growth of our company.

Enhance Startup Focus

According to Science Daily, taking brief breaks throughout the day actually enhances your ability to focus. Most of us are not wired to focus on one specific task for long periods of time. We also cannot spend all day in “focus” mode (i.e., learning new tasks, working). Our brains can solve complex problems when we let them switch to “diffuse” mode (similar to daydreaming or “shower-time”).

Short breaks help you step back and keep sight of the big picture, making sure you are not “in the weeds” with the tasks you are working on.

Entrepreneur Vacations Boost Innovation

Taking extended time away from work–away from the constant firefighter role many of us play–allows innovation to happen.

This means totally unplugging: no phones, internet, responsibilities for several days on end. The brain needs time to rejuvenate, and science says you will be more productive when you get back.

Happy rejuvinating!

See also:


One thought on “Enhance Your Ed-Tech Startup With a Vacation

  1. Keeping a good mental state and wisdom will be the deciding factor to give the correct direction for the business so a restorative mental state holiday should be interspersed with work time, leisure time.

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