Reverb Record: Record and Share Lessons

In this age of Covid-19, the fear of spreading infectious diseases and the fact that many school districts have shut down, doesn’t have to mean education has to suffer. With Reverb Record, a teacher can create a 10-minute audio lesson and then share it with her class online. It can be recorded in a browser window or as a Chrome extension and the playback window shows a rolling bar graph of the audio level. It’s all free.

Reverb audio file

(Image credit: Reverb)
  1. All you do is go to the Reverb site.
  2. Click on the record in the upper right.
  3. Then, click on Create New, followed by the microphone icon.
  4. Say your lesson or assignment.
  5. When done, click on the microphone to stop the recording.
  6. When you want to share it with the class, click on Link above and then paste the link in an email or use Embed to put it into a Web page.

Reverb Chat

Brian Nadel