Friday 5 — 8.5.2016

By Friday Five

  1. Consider optimizing your analytics implementation for more lightweight use cases — e.g., monitoring and reporting, rather than exploration and data mining . Alex Couch captures a frustration I’ve experienced with all kinds of software projects—a great deal of energy is expended designing for what might end up being the rarest and most involved use case, neglecting the lighter weight, most common use cases.
  2. A healthy social media strategy requires ongoing measurement and evolution. The Economist shares eight lessons learned—my favorite being “tear down the walls between departments.”
  3. This week Instagram launched ephemeral, direct messaging features that mimic Snapchat functionality. Here’s how it works and why brands seem to love it. According to Ben Thompson, there’s merit to the audacity of copying well.
  4. As a heavy Google Maps user, I celebrate even small improvements to the experience. A recent update to design and functionality included a cleaner look with new, expandable areas of interest, as well as iOS app support for multiple stops.
  5. Scott Brinker summarizes a new report that captures the growing role of technology in marketing. Among the findings: 81% of respondents reported that marketing or digital roles lead martech purchases, while only 18% pointed to IT.

Weekend fun: Some days the internet feels like a series of serendipitous, hilarious mashups, like this Netflix error that led to a nature documentary captioned by Aziz Ansari. Disturbing? Send your goddamn complaints to the Wall Street Journal—now they will share your profanities verbatim.

Every Friday, find five, highly subjective pointers to compelling technologies, emerging trends, and interesting ideas that affect how we live and work digitally. Try out the Friday 5 archive, or sign up for a weekly email.

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