We often hear from teachers who are exploring possibilities of using PlagiarismCheck for their schools, that they are currently searching for plagiarism manually or use some free software that is available online. To show the difference between the three options, we have put up a comparison list to spotlight the main differences.

While doing a manual search for plagiarism is better than no search at all, it is extremely time consuming. Teachers are having enough work on their hands grading papers and planning lessons to try to Google parts of essays to make sure they are not copied and pasted from the Internet. Using free plagiarism checking tools is a bit more time saving strategy; however, there is no possibility to export/share the report. Once again making it teachers’ work to put all the comments and explanations. Moreover, the quality of search is very questionable, as free services often miss plagiarism that is trickier than simple copying and pasting.

The biggest concern here is the automation of an assessment process and integration of similarity scan in your educational environment. Checking students’ papers for originality has to be a constant and consistent process to gain necessary impact on student’s performance. Writing is a valuable skill, that is gained through meticulous work of both students and teachers.


Help your students gain that skill!